
💖BIG LOVE💖The crystal of everyone's love💖愛の結晶💖


🐖We are thinking that the pig savings, which are the fruit of everyone's love, can be used as a donation for the Noto Peninsula earthquake disaster relief fund.What do you think? Piggies will continue to appear in BIG LOVE Vol2 and Vol3, so please look forward to it🐖


🌹いよいよTHE SPELLBOUNDの初のフルアルバム「THE SPELLBOUND」がリリースされます。2019年から2人きりで試行錯誤をはじめて、模索し続けた結果の全てが詰まっています。僕の前身のバンドであるBOOM BOOM SATELLITESに対するコンプレックスはありません。自由に純粋に悩み楽しみ答えを求めて作り続けた結果であり、小林祐介の言葉とメロディを最大限引き出す事に集中する事が出来ました。豊かで繊細、美しい日本語詩とダイナミックな音楽のうねりが、まるで映画を観ているかのような錯覚に陥ってしまうほど、このアルバムには深淵なサウンドスケープが広がっています。🌹
. I don't have any complexes about my previous band, BOOM BOOM SATELLITES. This is the result of me continuing to work freely and purely looking for answers to my concerns, and I was able to concentrate on bringing out Yusuke Kobayashi's words and melodies to the fullest. The rich, delicate, beautiful Japanese poetry and dynamic musical undulations create a profound soundscape that will make you feel as if you are watching a movie. 🌹

I am fascinated by Kobayashi-san's smooth and supple voice 🌺



NEWS] The AVIOT completely wireless earphones “TE-ZX1-PNK” announced today are equipped with extra tuning and sound guidance designed by Nakano!

🌹I wonder if anyone has noticed that PSYCHO-PASS elements and connections were incorporated into Pearphone 7 in a roundabout way. Masayuki Nakano is the musician who was in charge of the remix.🌹
