


up されていて、🌹驚きました🌹

ルケッティはローマで生まれました。彼は、 『ビアンカ』(1983)と『ミサは終わった』(1985)のナンニ・モレッティで助監督としてデビューしました。ルケッティの監督としての最初の映画は1988 年の『明日の出来事』で、この作品はダヴィッド・ディ・ドナテッロの最優秀デビュー作品賞を受賞し、 1988 年のカンヌ国際映画祭で言及されました。[1]

Luchetti was born in Rome. He debuted as assistant director for Nanni Moretti in Bianca (1983) and The Mass Is Ended (1985). Luchetti's first film as director was It's Happening Tomorrow of 1988, which won a David di Donatello as best debuting film and received a mention in the 1988 Cannes Film Festival.[1]

His subsequent work was the successful The Yes Man (1991), featuring Silvio Orlando as the ghost-writer of a ruthless politician, played by Nanni Moretti. It was seen as a forecast of the Mani Pulite corruption scandal that struck Italy the following year. The film won four David di Donatello awards.

Luchetti's theatre spectacle Sottobanco, inspired to Domenico Starnone's works, was later turned into a feature film entitled La scuola ("The School", 1995).


Pietro Vera works in an abandoned school in Rome🌁🌁🌁

I was surprised to see it uploaded🌹Your worldview is full of sensuality and madness.
