

NHK Haiku

Broadcast on 7/14 (Sun) - Flower arrangement ③ -

The fresh flowers are five-leaf flowers that are imitation jewels🌿

The guest, Ms. Mari Suzuki (former nursery school director), was dressed in a kimono and the fresh flowers reflected in the background were a perfect match, and I was happy to see that the loosely arranged faux jewels looked a bit like a child's!

Flower material: imitation jewel

Vessel: Oribe bowl

Rebroadcast: 7/17 14:20~

#Ikebana #NHK Haiku #NHK Tanka






Create unlimited works with your creativity

Even if the same plants and the same containers are used, 100 people can create 100 different flower arrangements depending on the individuality of the arrangers.

Plant x container (space) x you = ∞ (infinity)

Our school upholds this philosophy through everything from traditional classical flowers to modern contemporary flowers, and teaches based on the inheritance of tradition and the pursuit of new ikebana expressions.

Step into the world of ikebana, which is Japan's proud culture and also has an artistic side.

While researching ギボウシ, I found this article.

擬宝珠は、被子植物、単子葉類、キジカクシ目、ユリ科(キジカクシ科とするものもあります)、リュウゼツラン亜科、ギボウシ属の総称で、学名をHosta Tratt、英名をplantain lilyといいます。 別名には、擬宝珠、白萼、紫萼、葱鳳花、あせ、あめふりばな、い




Misho-ryu was founded in the late Edo period by the school's founder, Ichiho Mishosai.

More than 200 years later, the 10th generation Misho Sai Keiho has inherited the headship of the school. Here I have summarized the history of Miso-ryu Soryu.
