Issei Uchida

相談室ノートは現在休止中です。 上越教育大学名誉教授,内田一成

Issei Uchida

相談室ノートは現在休止中です。 上越教育大学名誉教授,内田一成


The principle of "proportional retaliation,"

Ira Strauss, director of the Atlantic Council's Institute for War and Peace and senior advisor to the Atlantic Council, a major research organization, published an article titled "Equality for Ukraine" on January 15, in which he advocated t

    • Next to the provision of more than 300 heavy tanks, which are used on the front lines of Western countries, the provision of the F-16, the main fighter jet of the U.S. and Europe, etc. is planned?

      After much debate, a decision has been made to provide Ukraine with a large number of Western tanks. The tanks to be sent to Ukraine are the German-made "Leopard 2" (hereinafter referred to as "Leo 2"), the American-made "M1," and the Briti

      • The new argument in the U.S. that "Ukraine should also be allowed to retaliate attacks on Russian territory".

         Even today, in providing arms support to Ukraine, Western countries are cautious about providing medium- and long-range missiles and fighter jets capable of striking Russian territory in order to avoid a third world war and the use of nucl

        • Face up to Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Don't forget Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Remember Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes.

          #Putin’sWarCriminal #AggressionWar #Genocide #MassRapeMurders #MassiveCorpseEvidenceDestruction #IndiscriminateTerrorAttack #PlantingMinesUnderRubbleFurnitureCorpses #DestructionOfLanguageCultureEducation #TakingUkrainianPeopleToRussianTerr

        The principle of "proportional retaliation,"

        • Next to the provision of more than 300 heavy tanks, which are used on the front lines of Western countries, the provision of the F-16, the main fighter jet of the U.S. and Europe, etc. is planned?

        • The new argument in the U.S. that "Ukraine should also be allowed to retaliate attacks on Russian territory".

        • Face up to Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Don't forget Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Remember Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes.

          Wipe out the crooks

          If former US President Trump is charged with passing off state secrets, he would be imprisoned for 10 years for violating the Espionage Act. Concealing or forging confidential documents and deliberately obstructing an investigation carries

          Wipe out the crooks

          Amnesty International for repeated misinformation and biased reporting.

          Amnesty International's 1990 report that Iraqi forces invading Kuwait had removed a large number of newborn babies from life support and slaughtered them, contributed to support for the intervention of multinational forces. It was later

          Amnesty International for repeated misinformation and biased reporting.

          War criminal from the aggression war says he plans to attend the G20 summit in November. “There are certain matters that need to be recalled again and again, if necessary.”

          Face up to Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Don't forget Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Remember Putin's barbaric and brutal crimes. Putin’s War Criminal Aggression War. Genocide. Mass Rape Murders. Massive Corpse Evidence

          War criminal from the aggression war says he plans to attend the G20 summit in November. “There are certain matters that need to be recalled again and again, if necessary.”

           There are a few matters that need to be recalled several times if necessary.

           First, that the crisis in Ukraine is a crisis for the entire liberal society. Second, we need to learn that in this 21st century, "changing the status quo by force" will fail and the only way out is the poorest nation way. To this end, p

           There are a few matters that need to be recalled several times if necessary.

          The Crimean Peninsula will also be recaptured: In the 21st century, let Putin Russia's 'change of status quo by force' fail completely and must pursue the aggressor state war criminal state for responsibility.

           In August 2022, the offensive by Ukrainian forces against Russian forces, with large-scale military support from the US and Europe, began to be noticeable. This is an indication that the initiative in the war is gradually shifting to Ukrai

          The Crimean Peninsula will also be recaptured: In the 21st century, let Putin Russia's 'change of status quo by force' fail completely and must pursue the aggressor state war criminal state for responsibility.

          Victim Blaming with Moral Myopia Against Ukraine : Don’t repeat misinformation and biased reporting Amnesty International

          In its report, Amnesty International said that in repelling the Russian invasion that began in February, the Ukrainian military endangered civilians by establishing bases and operating weapons systems in populated residential areas, inclu

          Victim Blaming with Moral Myopia Against Ukraine : Don’t repeat misinformation and biased reporting Amnesty International

          What we should take back from Russia that turns good vs. evil and even God vs. the devil upside down. Glory to Ukraine and its advocates! 🇺🇦🇵🇱 🇺🇸🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇮🇹🇨🇦🇫🇷🇯🇵🇪🇺and NATO etc.

          On the evening of May 16, Prokopenko, commander of the Azov Regiment, reported on social networking sites that during the 82-day offensive, he had been able to reorganize the Ukrainian army, train soldiers, and procure weapons from abroa

          What we should take back from Russia that turns good vs. evil and even God vs. the devil upside down. Glory to Ukraine and its advocates! 🇺🇦🇵🇱 🇺🇸🇬🇧 🇩🇪 🇮🇹🇨🇦🇫🇷🇯🇵🇪🇺and NATO etc.

          264 wounded soldiers and others had been rescued. 🇺🇦Glory to Azov Battalion defending Ukraine! 🇺🇦Glory to President Zelensky who values the lives of his soldiers even in difficult war situations.

          According to Zorin, a senior official of the Azov Battalion, there are approximately 500 wounded soldiers inside the Azovstal Steelworks, and about 100 civilians may still be left behind. Deputy Prime Minister Bereschuk said that on the e

          264 wounded soldiers and others had been rescued. 🇺🇦Glory to Azov Battalion defending Ukraine! 🇺🇦Glory to President Zelensky who values the lives of his soldiers even in difficult war situations.

          Rescue the Azov Battalion!    🇺🇦Glory to Azov battalion defending Ukraine. 👏👏👏    God bless all the heroes.🙏🙏🙏

           According to Zorin, a senior official of the Azov Battalion, there are approximately 500 wounded soldiers inside the Azovstal Steelworks, and about 100 civilians may still be left behind. Deputy Head of State Bereshchuk said that on the ev

          Rescue the Azov Battalion!    🇺🇦Glory to Azov battalion defending Ukraine. 👏👏👏    God bless all the heroes.🙏🙏🙏

          🇺🇦 Glory to President Zelensky And Ukrainian people!

           Since the beginning of Putin's war of aggression in Russia, 1,208,225 Ukrainians have been forcibly relocated to Russia, of which 210,224 are reportedly children. The children have been illegally adopted or kidnapped from their parents.  

          🇺🇦 Glory to President Zelensky And Ukrainian people!

          相談室ノート#010  相模原障害者施設殺傷事件の検証について

           2016年7月26日(火)午前2時頃,相模原市にある社会福祉法人かながわ共同会が運営する「津久井やまゆり園」(入所者157名)の元職員の容疑者植松聖(うえまつ さとし)26歳が刃物を持って侵入し,入所者19名の命を奪い,26名に重軽傷を負わせ,犯行後,津久井警察署に出頭するという,事件の5ヵ月半前の2月15日(月)に渡した衆議院議長宛ての手紙に書かれてあった殺人予告どおりのやり方で多くの障害者を殺傷しました。この事件は,戦後最大最悪の大量殺人事件として,日本国内はもとより世

          相談室ノート#010  相模原障害者施設殺傷事件の検証について


           本邦の精神科病院に入院している患者の方々の人権を蝕んでいる4大悪として,隔離収容,行動制限(保護室隔離・身体的拘束),多剤大量処方,ならびに従来型と冠した前世紀中葉型電気けいれん療法(ECT)を取り上げ,それらの実情,ならびにそれらを存続させている維持要因の問題点を検討します。併せて,本邦の精神科医療のあるべき姿を検討します。 Ⅰ.いまだに隔離収容政策をつづける日本 1. 衝撃精神科病院大国・日本  「衝撃精神科病院大国・日本」,NHKのETV特集「長すぎた入院 精神
