Movement of Back


 Today, I took a online feldenkrais lesson.

The theme is "Movement of Back".
(It might be wrong translation. In Japanese "背中の動き".) 

In the beginning part of lesson,  I could distinguish between movement of only head and movement of wider area. It was interesting.

After, the variation of  movement was very difficult today.



But the hardest part was there.

I always can't keep 肘をついて上体を持ち上げたままの姿勢. The position is terrible for me. Today, この姿勢でさらに頭を動かす動きがありました。I gave up the movement and rest many times.

After lesson, teacher told us, the reason of pain is that breast bone is not flexible. She also told that you could be better it. I was glad to hear that.

Lesson was hard, but it was fun when I have finished. At the end of it, I felt my lower part of back began to move. 
