


・Smoking Poorというシーシャカフェの立ち上げ
・D.D for Japanという社団法人での防災事業の展開

そんな僕の今最も興味のある事業テーマは「医療 × テクノロジー」です。





Hi, I’m NAOKI IDE. I am a student studying medical science at Osaka University in Japan and blockchain technology at the University of Zurich in Switzerland. Also, I am developing products using blockchain technology at PHI Corporation, and analyzing SEO and CVR etc using Google’s extension function.
In the past, I started a shisha cafe called “Smoking Poor” and played the drums for a band called “Skygraph”. Also, I developed a disaster prevention business called “D.D for Japan”, taught special classes at private junior high schools and participated in an UN-sponsored world conference when I was a high school student.

Now, the most curious theme is “Fusion of Medical care and Technology.”

Currently, there are proposals to introduce Blockchain Technology in the medical field, such as office work without patent data, transparency of medical product distribution process, and PHR / EHR. Conventional ICT technology manages medical data centrally, but by utilizing a decentralized system, you can benefit from high transparency and tamper resistance. Blockchain is a revolutionary technology that eliminates the huge cost required to secure “credit” and fraud caused by the vulnerability of credit itself. Also, AI or IoT is used in various situations in medical field, however, the legal and economic challenges created by it are piled up, and by discussing with excellent members from around the world, we will come up with ideas for problem-solving, move to action quickly, and implement it in society.

If you have an interest about my thought or action, please contact me with Instagram or Facebook or Twitter. I’m waiting for you. Let’s make the world better !


