
Black Cat Carry

Black Cat Carry refers to herself as Carry. Although she has a proper name, she somehow feels that she is just "Carry." This feeling originated from the times when she enjoyed being held by her mother and occasionally by her grandmother who lived far away when she was small. During those moments, she was continuously told, "You really love being carried.”

Carry, the black cat, always walks sideways. Never walk in a straight line. Well, she can sidestep faster than anyone if needed. So, whether playing with friends or having adventures outside with her older sister, she never gets left behind.

Because her sidestepping is incredibly swift, nobody comments on it. After all, it doesn't cause any problems. That's why she never shows any signs of losing, but deep down, she still feels a bit uneasy. In reality, she cares a lot about it.

That's why Carry the black cat loves driving. Because when she drives, she can go straight. Not that she loves speeding in a straight line in a car, but she particularly enjoys parking. Moving the car a bit forward, turning the steering wheel, then reversing a bit and turning the wheel in the opposite direction—repeating this process is her favorite. With utmost care in both forward and backward movements, she enjoys parking the car.

Changing the scenery bit by bit, bending her neck back and forth, watching the gradually changing landscape while turning the steering wheel vigorously is a great pleasure. Driving without anyone approaching her or saying anything, free from instructions or teachings, is the best. She dislikes being bothered or receiving directions from others.
