
DMM英会話Daily News和訳(2024年3月14日)

Ramadan Begins for Muslims Around the World

The Muslim holy month of Ramadan, when the faithful fast from dawn to dusk, began at sunrise on Tuesday, March 12 in much of Asia, a day after many Muslims in the Middle East began their fasts.

In the Muslim lunar calendar, months begin only when the new moon is sighted, which can lead to variations of a day or two.

Middle Eastern nations including Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Syria and Sudan declared the month would begin early on Monday, March 11.

But in the Asia-Pacific countries including Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore Ramadan began on Tuesday because the crescent moon wasn't sighted the previous night.

India, Pakistan and Bangladesh also began Ramadan on Tuesday.

During Ramadan, Muslims don't eat, drink or smoke from sunrise until sunset. Even a tiny drink of water is enough to break the fast. At night, family and friends gather and feast in a festive atmosphere.

The fasting is aimed at bringing the faithful closer to God and reminding them of the suffering of the poor. Muslims are expected to strictly observe daily prayers. They are also encouraged not to gossip, fight or curse during the holy month.

In Indonesia, where 90% of the population of 277 million practice Islam, celebrations include colorful torchlight parades, cleaning family graves, preparing food for pre-dawn breakfasts and post-sundown meals known as "iftars."

In Malaysia, mosques began preparing bubur lambuk, a traditional porridge dish made with meat and spices that is distributed for free to the public during Ramadan.

Beef Bubur Lambuk

But people were asked to keep their iftars to a reasonable size. The Consumers' Association of Penang said that food waste increases by up to 20% during Ramadan.

"Ramadan is supposed to be a month of intense devotion for Muslims but for some, it has become a month of feasting and wasteful spending," the association's president Mohideen Abdul Kader said.

"Now, more than 2 million Palestinians are facing starvation so we should not be throwing away huge quantities of food in the holy month," he added.






フィリピンの先生とfermented food(発酵食品)の話をしてました。日本では納豆が有名かなと共有する一方で、





