
英検1級対策~2024年5月26日(日)20時~ZOOM講義~みんなで要約文 ~23名分の添削結果(要約問題)











X(Twitter):Nabe_English@NabeEnglish (富士山でのご来光の写真)
Instagram :Nabe_English

→ ナベも、無制限に要約文を添削できないので、先着20名(+α)の番号を、それぞれの方にお伝えして、要約文を提出してもらう方の人数をカウントさせてもらいます。





講義内容: 英検1級®要約文~要約問題×2題

 第1部: 要約問題(全般) 最新情報を幾つか共有します
  第2部: みんなで要約文+Q&Aセッション
        ・要約文の提出期間: 5/11(土)~5/19(日)
        ・ナベの添削期間:   5/20(月)~5/25(土)
        ・講義資料ドラフト配布: 5/26(日)午前



takashi_watanabe0522@yahoo.co.jp  (takashiの後ろは、アンダーバー)


件名: みんなで要約文の提出、課題文1か2、SNSのアカウント名

本文: 課題文は、メール本文に、そのまま貼り付けてほしいです(ナベにてwordファイルに転記させてもらいます)



課題文1、Title: Addressing Land Subsidence in Italian Cities

Title: Addressing Land Subsidence in Italian Cities

Land subsidence represents a critical challenge for historical Italian cities like Venice and Florence, where excessive groundwater extraction to meet, urban demands has led to significant ground sinking. This phenomenon threatens the structural integrity of ancient buildings and escalates flood risks, which is especially problematic in regions with soft, alluvial soils prone to settling. In response, cities have implemented robust engineering solutions and regulatory measures, including stringent restrictions on groundwater extraction to stabilize the soil and preserve the unique urban landscape.

To complement these strategies, innovative urban planning now mandates detailed geological assessments prior to the approval of new construction projects. This proactive approach ensures that any new development is fully compatible with the delicate subsurface conditions, aiming to minimize further subsidence risks. Moreover, cities are increasingly relying on advanced monitoring technologies, utilizing satellite data and ground sensors to track land movements with high precision. This data is vital for city planners and engineers, allowing them to implement timely interventions that can forestall minor subsidence issues from escalating into severe problems.

Despite these concerted efforts, the battle against land subsidence in Italy is ongoing. The complexity of the issue demands continuous adaptation and innovation in both engineering and urban planning. As urban populations grow and environmental challenges intensify, sustainable management of natural resources and the preservation of historical heritage remain paramount. These efforts are not only crucial for protecting Italy’s cultural legacy but also for ensuring the long-term viability and safety of its historic urban environments.

(Word Count: 246)

Title: Considering a Heritage Preservation Fee in Kyoto, Japan

Kyoto, Japan, celebrated for its rich tapestry of ancient temples and cultural heritage, is contemplating the implementation of a heritage preservation fee to counteract the effects of its substantial tourist influx, attracting approximately 50 million visitors annually. The proposed fee, set at 500 yen, is designed to help manage issues such as environmental degradation and the displacement of local communities, which are exacerbated by rising property prices due to overtourism. The fee is planned primarily for peak tourist seasons and weekends, aiming to curtail visitor numbers and provide funds for the maintenance and enhancement of historical sites.

The proposal has met with skepticism from many local stakeholders who worry that it might discourage tourism, a crucial economic driver for the city. The debate is intense among residents and business owners regarding the fee's potential impact, particularly its disproportionate effect on day-trippers versus overnight guests. Some locals have begun voicing their concerns through protests, arguing that the fee is merely a temporary fix that does not address the underlying issues of sustainable tourism management and the preservation of the environment. They are calling for more robust measures, such as imposing limits on the number of tourists during peak times and encouraging visits during less busy periods.

As Kyoto faces significant challenges in preserving its historical assets amid ongoing tourist pressure, the discussion around the heritage preservation fee highlights the city's struggle to balance economic dependency on tourism with the imperative to safeguard its cultural and environmental integrity. This fee, if implemented, could mark a critical step in Kyoto's efforts to manage its resources sustainably, ensuring that its historical sites are protected for future generations while maintaining its appeal as a top global destination.

(Word Count: 282)



682字 / 4ファイル

¥ 500
