
気になった英文記事(The Sun Malaysia)

全くくらいマレーシアの事は分かんないから、とりあえず新聞買って読もうかなと、たまに買ってる。コンビニで適当に記事タイトル見て選んでるけど、The Malaysian ReserveがFinancial Timesの記事が転載になってたりして、日経新聞とか日経ヴェリタス(廃刊なん?)的な感じなのかなと。The Sunの方がもっと柔らかい感じだけど、読みたい記事があったのと、めっちゃ安かったので(約30円)買ってみた。




Tradeview Capital創業者兼CEOのNg Zhu Hannは、好奇心が起業への情熱を育んだとSunBizに語っている。

成功 インサイト・ストーリー - 誠実さ、勤勉さ、そして一歩先を行くこと




最近では、雇用市場の競争が激化しているため、適切な人材を見つけるのは簡単ではありません。 しかし、私が常に重視しているのは、責任感があり、積極的な人材を採用することです。余分な一歩を踏み出し、期待された以上の仕事をするいう意欲が私には重要です。 さらに、正直で勤勉な人は、学業優秀であってもそのような資質に欠けている人よりも常に優先されます。






従業員やパートナーが快適な生活を送りながら、自分自身や家族の生活の質を追求できる経済的自由を得られるレベルまで事業を成長させること。さらに、Tradeview Capitalというブランドを確立し続け、資産形成と遺産保存を支援するファンド・マネジメント会社として、顧客や一般の人々から信頼される存在になりたいと考えています。





世界中の思想的リーダーと 1 時間話し合えるとしたら、誰と、そしてその理由を教えてください。

私はおそらく、香港一の富豪であり、その人生はぼろから富豪に成り上がったことと同義であり、一代で億万長者になった李嘉誠氏に会いたいと思うだろう。 世界には成功したビジネスリーダーや起業家がたくさんいますが、私が彼の謙虚さと名誉以外に気に入っているのは、彼が信奉するビジネス哲学です。 彼は才能を高く評価し、長江を表すために自分の会社を Cheung Kong と名付けました。 それは、大きな川は多くの小さな流れの集合体から形成されると彼が信じているからです。 才能についても同様です。 さらに、正式な教育をほとんど受けていないにも関わらず、人生の逆境を乗り越えて世界的なビジネスを築き上げていく様子は、感動を与えてくれます。


私は人生の大半において、教育においても人生においても弱者でした。 社会の不平等により、特権は他の特権よりも有利になります。 しかし、私の人生の目標と野心は、人生で成功するための原動力になりました。 私のような人が自分自身で何かを作ることができれば、誰にでもチャンスがあると信じています。 それで、この状況に立ち向かい、逆境を克服するために、私は忍耐して努力することを学びました。


気候変動や持続可能性に関する話題を避けて通ることはできない。これはトレンドでも流行でもない。洪水や気象パターンの変化、大規模な自然災害の影響は、長年にわたる炭素排出と社会の発展の結果です。物理的なインフラは近代化されたが、環境や生息地の保全という点では世界を後退させている。ビジネスは、利益の手段であるだけでなく、社会のために役立つ力となるよう、ステップアップする必要がある。そのため、私の会社はマレーシアで初めて、持続可能な責任投資ファンドであるTradeview Sustainability Fundを立ち上げました。




Tradeview Capital founder & CEO
Ng Zhu Hann tells SunBiz that curiosity helped built his passion in enterpreneurship

Success: The Insight Story – Honesty, hard work and going the extra mile

1.How has your life experience made you the leader you are today?

Raised in a middle-class family by parents who are honest and hardworking, they did their very best to provide me the education necessary to lay the foundation for my personal development. The emphasis on important values in life in my upbringing also helped ground me in many ways. Personally, my curiosity spurred my passion in entrepreneurship and never giving up in the face of adversity helped build my character.

2.What traits do you look for in your talent or how do you decide who is right for a job?

It is not easy to find the right talents these days due to the increasingly competitive jobs market. But my emphasis is always to recruit individuals who are responsible and proactive. The willingness to take the extra step and go the extra mile is important to me. Additionally, someone who is honest and hardworking will always take precedence over individual who are academically accomplished but lacks such qualities.

3.How do you think the industry you are in will evolve in the future?

Capital markets are extremely volatile and susceptible to change. Every day, the fund flow, news flow and economic policies globally triggers movement in the markets. Coupled with the ascent of technology, there are many disruptions to the way the fund management sector operates.

4.We all know about the industrial revolution, are we in for a technological revolution? Your thoughts.

The past three decades have seen the rise of technology and the reshaping of our daily lives since the invention of the internet. But in the past decades, technological innovation in tandem with the development of the semiconductor sector has led to rapid growth of 5G, AI, EV, and disruption of all traditional industries. This will continue to be the case as our civilisation continues to progress provided the era of peace and prosperity can continue to endure a growing tribal nature of governments around the world.

5.What do you want to accomplish in the next five years?

To grow my businesses to a level where all my employees and partners can have a comfortable life while having the financial freedom to pursue the quality of life for themselves and their families. Additionally, I hope to continue to build the brand name of Tradeview Capital to become one that is trusted by clients and the public as a fund management company that help them build wealth and preserve their legacy.

6.Most admired business leader? Why?

Robert Kuok. He is not only a great businessman but the most brilliant one Malaysia has ever produced. He has global footprints for his companies and build international branding for many of his businesses becoming leaders in the respective sector such as Shangri-La, Wilmar, Kerry Group etc. Above all else, he is one of the most humble and honourable businessmen of our time. Unlike many entrepreneurs who probably make it big and disappear, Robert Kuok has been consistently successful for a very long duration of time spanning decades. This shows the longevity of his companies and business stems from a strong foundation and values.

7.How do you stay abreast of issues affecting your industry?

Running a fund management company requires me to be on top global economic, political, and social news as all these affects the capital markets. Apart from mainstream and social media, I read widely to obtain insights from industry pioneers and market leaders. These insights serve as a guide but mostly I would formulate my own understanding and take on matters in order to form my own outlook on the market and sectors.

8.If you could have an hour with any thought leader in the world, who would it be and why?

I would probably want to meet Li Ka-Shing, the self-made billionaire who has long been Hong Kong richest man and whose life is synonymous with coming from rags to riches. There are many successful business leaders and entrepreneurs in the world but what I like about him apart from his humility and honour is the business philosophy which he espouses. He appreciates talents and named his company Cheung Kong to represent the Yangtze River. This is because he believes great rivers are built from a culmination of many little streams. Same goes for talents. Additionally, the way he overcome adversity in life and managing build a global business despite having little formal education is inspirational.

9.What has been the biggest challenge you have faced and what did you learn from it?

Much of life I have been an underdog be it in education or in life. The inequality of society does accords the privilege an advantage over the others. But my life goal and ambition became my drive to succeed in life. I believe if someone like me can make something of myself, then everyone has a chance. So in order to rise to the occasion and overcome adversity, I learned to persevere and hustle.

10.How do you expect policies on climate change to impact businesses in the future?

There is no way we can avoid the talk on climate change or sustainability. This is not a trend or a fad. We are seeing the impacts of floods, changing weather patterns and drastic natural disasters which are results of years of carbon emissions and development of society. While the physical infrastructure has modernised, it has set back the world in terms of preservation of environment and habitat. Business needs to step up the game to not only be a vehicle of profit but to be a force for good for society. Therefore, my firm was the first boutique fund management company in Malaysia to launch a Sustainable & Responsible Investment qualified fund, Tradeview Sustainability Fund.

11.What are the top three factors you would attribute your success to?

Perseverance, optimism, and unconditional love from friends & family.
