
Save JP Patent Official Fees up to 70%!!!

I heard that JP Patent Application costs are so expensive from foreign IP professionals. JPO had started the official fee’s discounting program for micro & small entities since April 2019. Of course, not only JP entities but also international applicants are allowed to apply with this program.

50 - 70% OFF, JPO fees!!!

The maximum discounting rate would be almost 70%!!! There are two different categories, micro and small entities. 70% OFF is for the micro entity and 50% OFF is for the small entity.

The micro entity should be:
Less than 20 employees for manufacturers or 5 employees for service vendors,
Within 10 years from its establish date, and
Less than 2.75 M USD capital amount (Not any subsidiary of big entities having more than 2.75 M USD capital).

The small entity should be:
Less than 900 employees, and
Less than 2.75 M USD capital amount (Not any subsidiary of big entities having more than 2.75 M USD capital).

What JPO official fees are applied for the discounting program?

JPO has expensive official fees for the request for the examination. Usually, you can make the request within three years from its filing date. The initial filing fee is not expensive, just 200 USD but the request for the examination would be 2K – 3K USD based on how many claims. The program can be applied for the request for the examination!!!

In addition, maintenance fees are also very expensive in JPO fee schedule. The program can be applied for the 1st year to the 10th year!!! Unfortunately, the program cannot work after 11th year maintenance fees.

No need TAX certificates or Payroll evidence

It’s not necessary to file any TAX certificates or Payroll evidence. You just fill in documentations of the request for the examination or the maintenance fee payments. Most of cases, you just ask your local JP firms to apply this program. That’s ALL!!!
