Can you learn to play a Song on piano yourself?


Many people want to learn how to play the piano, how to choose piano scores, but everyone is stopped by the fear that they will learn musical notation for years. The piano is indeed one of the most difficult musical instruments to master, so learning will not be quick, and it is almost impossible to do without notes at all, but with proper perseverance and practice, you will not have to wait forever.

The Music Piano

Before playing the piano, both the new and the old instrument need to be tuned: the old one may lose the correct sound due to temperature or humidity changes in the room, and the new one --during transportation


Landing and hand position

It is important to get used to the correct seating position right away. It is very important not to hunch over, so sit up straight and adjust the height of your chair so that it is at a comfortable level.

Place your hands on the keyboard parallel to the floor. The important point is that when playing the piano, the fingers are rounded, rather than staying straight like sticks --the tip of the finger presses the key, not the pad. These tips may seem trivial at first glance, but they are important --otherwise, you will not cope with long sessions because your arms and body will get tired.

How to sit at the Music piano

The fingers of the left hand are placed on the keys in such a way that the little finger is on the "C" key and the thumb is on the "G" key. The right hand repeats the same position, only on the adjacent octave and in the mirror image --the thumb on "C", and the little finger on "G". Read on for how to arrange notes and octaves on a piano keyboard.

Explore the piano keyboard

Look at the piano keyboard --it consists of rows of white and black keys, and the black keys alternate two through three. Found two adjacent black keys? The white key to the left of them is the C note.

Now count the white keys from left to right, corresponding to seven notes. When they end, we again come across the leftmost key from two adjacent black ones --the note "C". This conditional cycle of seven keys on a piano keyboard is an octave --an interval in music, that is, the distance from one note to another is the same, but in the next position.


The difference between one octave and another lies only in the pitch. On the right are the highest ones, and the further to the left, the lower they will sound, and vice versa.

What about black keys? It's very simple: they stand for sharps --raising a note by a semitone (#), and flats --decreasing (b). The white key to the right of the "C", as we have already found out, is the note "D". This means that the black key between them is a sharp for "C", since it stands higher, and a flat for "D," because it stands in front of it.

There are 7 full and 2 incomplete octaves on a piano keyboard. Learn more about octaves in this video.

To learn how to play the piano, you also need to understand what tone, semitone and how major scales are built. We suggest watching the following video.

Learn to read sheet music

Don't be afraid to start learning musical notation. It was also incomprehensible to learn to read alphabetically for the first time in early childhood, but you coped with it --you can also cope with reading music. Mastering musical notation and the ability to read they will give you the opportunity to distinguish notes by ear, be able to record the melodies you hear and compose them yourself.


To learn how to read sheet music, to understand what a bass clef is, to understand the duration of notes, study special literature, and even easier --find visual information on the Internet. We, in turn, suggest starting with this video.

To learn how to pick up notes by ear, to distinguish between tones and semitones, you need to have a good ear for music. Even if it seems as if your hearing is completely missing, do not despair --this is a myth! Hearing is not an innate skill and can be developed with simple exercises.

Piano chords

Notes can be designated not by numbers from 1 to 7, but by Latin letters. Accordingly, "do", "re", "mi", "fa", "sol", "la", "si" are designated as C , D, E, F, G, A, H. Those who learn to play on the guitar, they know that the same letters epitaxy chords

If you want to play not only ready-made pieces, but also write your own music, then you have to learn how to play chords on the piano. The main thing here is to understand how they are built and to learn the most basic chords first.

Piano chords

After the musical notation has ceased to be a dark forest, start learning musical pieces. Don't rush to learn your favorite songs right away, it's better to start with something simple and find ready-made sheet music sheets for beginners on the Internet.

You have a long way to improve your skills --gradual you will begin to cover more and more octaves and begin to learn more and more complex pieces.

Hand coordination

Since the piano involves the participation of two hands, just like playing the button accordion, guitar and many other musical instruments, you will have to develop coordination of movements --to cope with asynchronous and cross movements of the hands vertically and horizontally, to train the independence of finger actions.

To achieve this, for each piece of music, study the right-hand part and the left-hand part separately, and then, having worked to automatism, begin to combine them.

How to play the piano well

It takes a lot of practice to learn how to play the piano, but more importantly, it takes a lot of practice. It's more efficient to play half an hour every day than play non-stop on weekends. Be patient, be diligent, and your hard work will surely be rewarded with excellent piano skill.




