
省エネ大賞受賞技術開発の軌跡 (10) Trajectory of Energy Conservation Grand Prize-winning Technology Development (10)

1.2 高度経済成長・技術成長の落とし穴


1.2 Pitfalls of High Economic Growth and Technological Growth

It is true that economic growth, measured by the growth rate of real gross domestic product or real national income, has enriched the lives of war-defeated Japanese, and technological growth has made life more convenient and realized many dreams. However, it is also true that many problems have occurred as a reaction to this growth, such as pollution, unnecessary multifunctionality, loss of ethics, economic bubbles, money games, and long recessions.
It is easy to condemn and criticize these problems, but we cannot build a sustainable society for the 21st century unless we first reflect on these problems ourselves, see them as challenges, and act and overcome them ourselves. We human beings must have the wisdom and ability to build a sustainable society worthy of passing on to future generations. What makes us lose this ability is an excessively materialistic society without principles. This excessively materialistic society was created by corporations and individuals who put profit first. The earth, with its finite resources, cannot endure an excessively materialistic society forever.
                        To be continued
