
Does Interstellar have a bad ending?

Every superhero or fantasy movie ends with a question mark in the head, ending up, creating space for follow-up to the series of movies, and actually helping to continue the story of the upcoming series of movies.

At Interstellar, Christopher Nolan left little room to think about the ending and just ended the story, but some have argued that Cooper could go to rescue Dr. Brand from Edmund's planet. But part of showing the bonds and the friendships that have been created between them. Cooper is not a cliffhanger because Cooper will definitely save her because he can get all the resources.

We see these cliffhangers in follow-up films in almost every movie we watch (especially superhero films), and Interstar Nolan is trying to communicate with himself in the past through 5D space Needed to end the movie The movie Nolan imagined what would happen if the movie ended there, and did we all leave Cooper to think about what would happen? What happens to people who return to Earth? What happens to Dr. Brand? Still, do you come up with different theories for these questions?

Some people like this type of ending and can control the ending so that they can come up with different theories for hours and hours and end the movie, but Nolan wants it with Interstellar Sen

If you like the end of the Cliffhanger, or don't like how Nolan ended the movie, Cooper will rescue Dr. Brand and come up with a different theory of being with her on the Edmond planet. It is recommended.

But if you are not such a type of person, but an ordinary person, you will be satisfied with the way the movie ended without confusion, the movie answers all the questions.

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I think this ending is a good ending for this type of movie. What do you think? Is this good or bad?

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