

Well, that was fun today. We certainly bought a lot of stuff.

Yes, but we got some sweet bargains. I like that bag you bought a lot.

Thanks and I like those shoes.

Hey, Maki, I have never seen that bracelet before. Where did you get it?

Oh, I bought it when you were't there.

Wait< I remember that bracelet. It was in the last shop we went to.

Uh, yeah... I bought it when you weren't looking.

But it was really expensive. Those are real diamonds. You don't have that much money.

Well< I uh... I bought it with my credit card. Anyway, let's go eat.

Wait. What's wrong, Maki? I'm your best friend. Tell me.

No, nothing.

Maki, did you steal that bracelet?

Well I guess maybe I sort of forgot to put it back in the case.

Maki< that's shoplifting It`s wrong You have to take it back to the store right now

No It's just that........well, it was so beautiful. I had to have it. I'm really sorry. It's the first time I have ever done it. You believe me, don't you?

I'm not sure what to believe. Let`s go. We're taking it back.

No,forget about it. I'll never do it again. We could get in trouble if we go back. It's no big deal.

]We could get in bigger trouble if we don't. We're tourists here.They might remember us and come looking at the hotel.

Wait, someone's knocking.Don't answer
