

I'm feeling very cold because of the train's air conditioning. I wonder if everyone else isn't feeling cold?
I dislike the air conditioner's wind because it's cold, and it also makes my hair messy.
Taking the train is making me feel depressed.

I’m feeling very cold due to the train’s air conditioner. I wonder everyone doesn’t feel cold?
I dislike the wind of air conditioner, because it’s cold as well as my hair is messy.
I’m depressing to take the train.

■ チャットGPTからの添削による修正

due to the train’s air conditioner. → because of the train's air conditioning.
→ さらに聞いてみた

・I wonder everyone doesn’t feel cold? → I wonder if everyone else isn't feeling cold?
【メモ】I wonder if ~

・I dislike the wind of air conditioner, because it’s cold as well as my hair is messy. → I dislike the air conditioner's wind because it's cold, and it also makes my hair messy.
"as well as"使ってみたけどイマイチだったっぽい。

・I’m depressing to take the train. → Taking the train is making me feel depressed.

■ さらにチャットGPTに聞いてみた

「because ofとdue toの使い分けについて教えてください」

"Because of" と "due to" は同じく原因を表す接続詞ですが、微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。
"Because of" は文の中で原因を強調します。例えば:

・"I was late because of the traffic."
・"He didn't come because of the rain."

"Due to" はよりフォーマルで正式な文書で使われることが一般的です。また、原因に対する責任感や期待が含まれています。例えば:

・"The delay was due to heavy traffic."
・"The cancellation of the event was due to bad weather."

つまり、"because of" はより日常的な会話や文章に使われ、"due to" はより形式的な文章や正式な場面で使用されます。
