
英訳化プロジェクト⑩ -Dear my all-

Dear my sweet heart,

First of all, I want to say to you
"Thank you so much!"

Thank you for being in my heart
even when we are not together.

As you may already know,
I'm fed up with saying things indirectly, so 
I will write it directly with my true heart.

I truly love you!

When I confessed my love to you,
I was told that you couldn't associate with the customer,
but I didn't change my mind at all.

At that time, I thought again that
I have been loved you deeply.

Because if I didn't really love you,
I might give up at that time.

That is, my heart has been passionate 
as much as that.

However, I can't realize your feelings
because it's not mine and
it's your own feelings.

I can't understand the situation
that you are currently in.

So I decided to be honest with you,
as much as I could.

I wrote this letter today,
because I just wanted to convey it.

Let's sing some songs and
drink together again.

I'm really looking forward to seeing you.

Please be careful with your health.

Dear my little honey,

We haven't seen each other
 for a little while.

But your mom told me that
there is a summer festival next time.

She told me that you would pass
in front of the stand, so I might be
looking after you secretly.

I hope I can meet you with
full of energy again at our favorite tavern.

By the way,
I think you're the other half of your mom.

Thus, I'm counting on you
about our precious mom.

See you.

2019,7,4 Fuyu Hotaru

The end 1403 letters

日常と非日常を放浪し、その節々で見つけた一場面や思いをお伝えします♪♪ そんな旅するkonekoを支えて貰えたなら幸せです🌈🐈 闇深ければ、光もまた強し!がモットーです〇