高校英語長文を読み下す  Destruction of Environment

We humans have been able to live /on this planet /for millions of years
/because there has been an environmental /that we could live in.


 The air has oxygen /for us to breath. The temperature did not kill us /(neither too hot nor too cold).There is food /for us to eat.There is water /for us to drink. There are bacteria /to break down /the food /in our stomachs.

 「大気は、酸素を含んでいる、私たちが息をするための。気温は、私たちを殺さなかった。(暑すぎもせず寒すぎもしなかった。) 食物がある、私たちが食べるための。水がある、私たちが、飲むための。細菌がある、食べ物を分解する、私たちの胃の中に。」

 The environment on the earth/has sometimes changed. For example,/during the ice Age,/the earth became much colder. It is possible that /such changes led to the disappearance /of some kinds of animals.

 Originally, humans were not powerful or clever enough /to affect their environment much. But they learned various skills; /to use fire /so they were able to burn down /areas of dry grass and trees,/and to cultivate the soil /so they were able to /turn wild bush /into fields.

 But as science advanced,/the surface of the earth grew worth.Humans wanted to build warships. They wanted to get wood /tocook with. So they made metal axes /and cut down large areas of forest. As a result,/they turned green land /into deserts. This destruction of nature has increased surprisingly /during the pasthundred years. Very large areas of rain forests are being cut down every year. But the loss of these rain forests may change the climate of our world /permanently and disastrously.


 Another great danger is from the pollution /from our chemicals and fuels,like coal. We fill the atmosphere /with the pollution. The longer we go on using aerosols /and producing smoke,/the more damage they will do the layer
/which protects our world /from the sun's radiation.

