Zootopia Scene1


[In a jungle, a little natural bunny is creeping up to a water hole, and eventually, during the following line, a tiger is about to pounce on the rabbit.
hushed, then her voice gets louder, as a crescendo]

Fear, treachery, blood lust. Thousands of years ago, these were the forces that ruled our world. A world where prey were scared of predators. And predators had an uncontrollable, biological urge to maim and maul, and..

[Cut to reality. It is revealed that the  is really a stage in an auditorium, and as for the hunting, Jaguar, in a tiger costume, is pretending to pounce on a young Judy Hopps, who is wearing gray and white clothes that match her fur]

Young Judy Hopps: Ahh! Blood, blood, blood! And... death!


Young Judy Hopps: Back then, the world was divided in two - vicious predators and meek prey. 
But over time, we evolved and looked beyond our primitive savage ways.  Now, predator and prey live in harmony and every young mammal has multitudinous opportunities.

vicious : 悪意のある、意地の悪い、危険な、危なっかしい
predator : 捕食者、略奪者、(金銭的また性的に)人を食いものにするやつ
meek : (腹を立てず)じっと我慢する、おとなしい、素直な、屈従的な、いくじのない
prey : (他の動物の)えじき、獲物、被食者
evolve : 徐々に発展する、展開する、進展する、進化する(≒develop: 経験を通して得る)
look beyond : ~の先を思い描く
primitive: [adjective] 原始の、初期の、太古の、昔の、原始的な、未開の、幼稚な、素朴な、古風な、旧式の
multitudinous : [adjective] 多数の、たくさんの  (multiculture/名/多文化)
opportunity : [noun](…の)(適切な)機会、好機、機会


Sharla: Yeah, I don't have to cower in a herd anymore.  Instead, I can be an astronaut! [The crowd applauds as Bobby plays a slide whistle indicating alien music.]

don't have to 〜 〜しなくてもいい
herd : [noun] 家畜[動物]の群れ
Instead : その代わりとして、それよりも

: I don't have to be a lonely hunter anymore.  Today I can hunt for tax exemptions; I'm gonna be an actuary! [The crowd applauds again as Bobby plays the piano.]

exemptions : [noun]免除、所得税の課税控除額
actuary : 保険数理士

Young Judy Hopps: And I can make the world a better place, I am going to be a police officer!
[Bonnie and Stu look shocked and glance at each other in worry.]

Young Gideon Grey:Bunny cop! That is the most stupidest thing I ever heard.


Young Judy Hopps:  It may seem impossible to small minds .
but, just two-hundred and eleven miles away stands the great city of Zootopia, where our ancestors first joined together in peace and declared that anyone can be anything! 

 Thank you and good night!

ancestor : [noun] 先祖、祖先、前身、原型
declared : 宣言した、公然の、申告した
