DMM英会話 7日目


today's article

Should Companies Let Staff Sleep at Work?
Is it OK to sleep at work? More and more offices are saying "yes."

Dr. Lawrence Epstein of Harvard Medical School says that people should be allowed to take short naps at work. "People who are sleep-deprived don't work at their best and have a higher risk of workplace accidents and end up costing the companies more because they have more health problems," he told the BBC.

In 2016, the Rand Corporation estimated that poor sleep was costing the US economy $411 billion every year, including lost productivity.

Ice cream company Ben & Jerry's offers its staff a room with a small bed that can be used for 20 minutes at a time. However, the company stopped asking staff to write their names to use the room, since they didn't like other people being able to see who was using it.

"Not a lot of people like to admit that they use it," said Laura Peterson of Ben & Jerry's. Peterson said she has used it four times over three years. "It is a nice break, and I do feel more productive," she said.

According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, people in Japan sleep the least in the world – an average of just 7.4 hours a night. Over the last few years, several Japanese companies have been encouraging staff to take naps at work.

GMO Internet Group encourages its staff to have a hirune – a lunchtime nap. The company has filled one of its rooms with 27 small beds that can be used for up to one hour from 12:30 every day. This allows employees to "switch between business and break times, creating a better working environment," company spokesperson Sae Takahashi said.

In 2014, Japan's health ministry recommended taking a 30-minute nap in the early afternoon to increase productivity.

Do you think people should be allowed to take naps at work? Why? Why not?
-I often feel sleepy  for 1 or 2 hour around 3 oclock.

If your place of work had a nap room, do you imagine many people would use it? Why? Why not?
Yes,I do. co-worker sometimes  using Manga kissa 

where can  take a rest and sleep is a shop.

Do you ever feel sleep-deprived? Please explain your answer.
-Yes, I do. I often feel sleep-deprived.... 

Do you find it surprising that people in Japan sleep the least in the world? Why? Why not?
-NO,I don't....b
Japanese are not good at swich their mode of private to work.
