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・take over
to take charge; to assume control

The general took over all the military operations.
As James is currently in the hospital, I’ll take over his tasks.

→これってI’ll take overで俺がやってやる!的な感じになるの?

・set out
to undertake or start something; start a journey

I will set out on a journey to the Bahamas.
He set out to learn all that he could about geology.

・take on
ある環境に関与する。そこに身を置くという感じ。get involved.がいいって言ってた。to undertake an endeavor; to start something; to begin to handle

They can take on almost any other team in the world.
I will take on extra responsibilities in the following week.

・carry on
続ける。keep / continue to 。
to continue doing something, or cause something to continue

Please carry on doing your work until you receive new instructions.
Daphne is carrying on the family tradition by becoming a lawyer.

・take out
デートにつれていく。ここでbringを使うと、ものとかペットとかになるみたい。I will bring Mary to the store.は散歩させるってことになるから失礼だということを受けた。to take someone on a date; to extract (money) or remove something.

I will take my wife out for dinner next Friday.
Please take out all the electronics you have in your bag.

