
【Python】Featuretools ft.list_primitives() パラメータ一覧 #特徴量

	name	type	description
0	last	aggregation	Determines the last value in a list.
1	mean	aggregation	Computes the average for a list of values.
2	std	aggregation	Computes the dispersion relative to the mean v...
3	count	aggregation	Determines the total number of values, excludi...
4	median	aggregation	Determines the middlemost number in a list of ...
5	n_most_common	aggregation	Determines the `n` most common elements.
6	num_true	aggregation	Counts the number of `True` values.
7	time_since_last	aggregation	Calculates the time elapsed since the last dat...
8	max	aggregation	Calculates the highest value, ignoring `NaN` v...
9	any	aggregation	Determines if any value is 'True' in a list.
10	mode	aggregation	Determines the most commonly repeated value.
11	time_since_first	aggregation	Calculates the time elapsed since the first da...
12	entropy	aggregation	Calculates the entropy for a categorical variable
13	first	aggregation	Determines the first value in a list.
14	sum	aggregation	Calculates the total addition, ignoring `NaN`.
15	skew	aggregation	Computes the extent to which a distribution di...
16	avg_time_between	aggregation	Computes the average number of seconds between...
17	percent_true	aggregation	Determines the percent of `True` values.
18	num_unique	aggregation	Determines the number of distinct values, igno...
19	trend	aggregation	Calculates the trend of a variable over time.
20	all	aggregation	Calculates if all values are 'True' in a list.
21	min	aggregation	Calculates the smallest value, ignoring `NaN` ...
22	and	transform	Element-wise logical AND of two lists.
23	greater_than_equal_to_scalar	transform	Determines if values are greater than or equal...
24	modulo_numeric_scalar	transform	Return the modulo of each element in the list ...
25	greater_than_scalar	transform	Determines if values are greater than a given ...
26	minute	transform	Determines the minutes value of a datetime.
27	not	transform	Negates a boolean value.
28	divide_numeric_scalar	transform	Divide each element in the list by a scalar.
29	divide_by_feature	transform	Divide a scalar by each value in the list.
30	add_numeric_scalar	transform	Add a scalar to each value in the list.
31	hour	transform	Determines the hour value of a datetime.
32	diff	transform	Compute the difference between the value in a ...
33	multiply_boolean	transform	Element-wise multiplication of two lists of bo...
34	num_words	transform	Determines the number of words in a string by ...
35	not_equal_scalar	transform	Determines if values in a list are not equal t...
36	cum_mean	transform	Calculates the cumulative mean.
37	month	transform	Determines the month value of a datetime.
38	weekday	transform	Determines the day of the week from a datetime.
39	multiply_numeric	transform	Element-wise multiplication of two lists.
40	longitude	transform	Returns the second tuple value in a list of La...
41	equal_scalar	transform	Determines if values in a list are equal to a ...
42	is_null	transform	Determines if a value is null.
43	cum_sum	transform	Calculates the cumulative sum.
44	subtract_numeric_scalar	transform	Subtract a scalar from each element in the list.
45	or	transform	Element-wise logical OR of two lists.
46	less_than_equal_to_scalar	transform	Determines if values are less than or equal to...
47	percentile	transform	Determines the percentile rank for each value ...
48	less_than	transform	Determines if values in one list are less than...
49	modulo_by_feature	transform	Return the modulo of a scalar by each element ...
50	greater_than_equal_to	transform	Determines if values in one list are greater t...
51	week	transform	Determines the week of the year from a datetime.
52	is_weekend	transform	Determines if a date falls on a weekend.
53	modulo_numeric	transform	Element-wise modulo of two lists.
54	greater_than	transform	Determines if values in one list are greater t...
55	subtract_numeric	transform	Element-wise subtraction of two lists.
56	second	transform	Determines the seconds value of a datetime.
57	negate	transform	Negates a numeric value.
58	divide_numeric	transform	Element-wise division of two lists.
59	time_since	transform	Calculates time from a value to a specified cu...
60	add_numeric	transform	Element-wise addition of two lists.
61	day	transform	Determines the day of the month from a datetime.
62	cum_min	transform	Calculates the cumulative minimum.
63	year	transform	Determines the year value of a datetime.
64	isin	transform	Determines whether a value is present in a pro...
65	multiply_numeric_scalar	transform	Multiply each element in the list by a scalar.
66	haversine	transform	Calculates the approximate haversine distance ...
67	not_equal	transform	Determines if values in one list are not equal...
68	absolute	transform	Computes the absolute value of a number.
69	num_characters	transform	Calculates the number of characters in a string.
70	time_since_previous	transform	Compute the time since the previous entry in a...
71	cum_count	transform	Calculates the cumulative count.
72	scalar_subtract_numeric_feature	transform	Subtract each value in the list from a given s...
73	latitude	transform	Returns the first tuple value in a list of Lat...
74	equal	transform	Determines if values in one list are equal to ...
75	cum_max	transform	Calculates the cumulative maximum.
76	less_than_scalar	transform	Determines if values are less than a given sca...
77	less_than_equal_to	transform	Determines if values in one list are less than...

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