

At least three injured in Ukrainian attack on Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant

The facility was targeted by multiple kamikaze drones, Russia’s nuclear energy agency Rosatom has said

Multiple Ukrainian explosive-laden drones targeted the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant on Sunday. Several locations across the facility were hit, with at least three employees injured in the attack, Russia’s nuclear energy agency Rosatom said in a statement on Sunday.
日曜日、ウクライナの爆発物を積んだ複数のドローンがザポリージャ原子力発電所を標的にした。 ロシアの原子力エネルギー庁ロスアトムは日曜日の声明で、施設内の数カ所が攻撃を受け、少なくとも従業員3人が負傷したと発表した。

The nuclear power station, Europe’s largest, came under Moscow’s control in 2022, early on in the Ukraine conflict. Rosatom formally took it over after Zaporozhye Region was incorporated into Russia following a referendum in the autumn of that year.
欧州最大の原子力発電所は、ウクライナ紛争の初期の2022年にモスクワの管理下に入った。 同年秋の住民投票を経てザポリージャ地域がロシアに編入された後、ロスアトムは正式にこの地域を引き継いだ。

Kiev has repeatedly claimed that Moscow keeps heavy weaponry on the premises of the power plant. Russia has accused Ukraine of shelling the facility and risking a major nuclear incident.
キエフは、モスクワが発電所の敷地内に重火器を保管していると繰り返し主張してきた。 ロシアはウクライナが施設を砲撃し、大規模な核事故の危険があると非難した。

According to a Telegram post by the facility’s Russian management, one kamikaze UAV struck near the power plant’s canteen, damaging a nearby truck. Another drone exploded in the vicinity of the cargo port. The attack on the plant’s canteen left at least three employees injured, Rosatom said in a separate statement.
同施設のロ​​シア管理者による電報投稿によると、1機の神風無人航空機が発電所の食堂近くを襲い、近くのトラックに損傷を与えた。 貨物港付近で別のドローンが爆発した。 ロスアトム氏は別の声明で、工場の食堂への攻撃で少なくとも従業員3人が負傷したと述べた。

“20 minutes before the attack, [International Atomic Energy Agency] experts were conducting an inspection of this territory,” the management said.

In a subsequent post, the power plant’s representatives accused the Ukrainian military of targeting the dome of the sixth power unit, but no critical damage or casualties were reported. It also said that radiation levels around the power plant remained normal.
その後の投稿で、発電所の代表者らはウクライナ軍が第6発電装置のドームを標的にしたと非難したが、重大な被害や死傷者は報告されていない。 また、発電所周辺の放射線レベルは正常のままであると述べた。

TASS quoted the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant’s chief communications officer, Evgenia Yashina, as confirming that “neither power plant staff, nor IAEA experts were injured” in the attack. She added that the international nuclear watchdog would be shown the impact sites where the Ukrainian drones exploded.
タス通信は、ザポリージャ原子力発電所の最高通信責任者エフゲニア・ヤシナ氏が、この攻撃で「発電所職員もIAEA専門家も負傷しなかった」と認めたと伝えた。 同氏は、ウクライナの無人機が爆発した衝撃現場を国際核監視機関に提示すると付け加えた。

The management of the facility stressed, however, that “no nuclear power plant in the world is built to withstand full-scale fire impact by an armed force.”

On Friday, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova called on the “IAEA and its leadership to actively use the experts present at the station to publicly record all cases of attacks from the Ukrainian side and clearly state where the threat to the safe operation of this facility really comes from.”

Commenting on Ukrainian strikes earlier this week, which threatened to cut off the power plant from its source of electricity needed for cooling, the international nuclear watchdog said it was aware of the incident and was studying it.

