

Lukashenko comments on abduction accusations

Claims that Belarus has kidnapped children in Donbas are “madness,” the president said

Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko has dismissed as “madness” accusations that his country is involved in kidnapping children in Donbas. Minsk co-sponsors rehabilitation for minors affected by the war, he said.

His remarks on Tuesday referred to a humanitarian program led by Belarusian businessman and Paralympian Aleksey Talay. He lost all of his limbs to a World War II mine but managed to get his life together and became a successful motivational speaker and dad. Talay’s charity has been bringing Donbas children to Belarus for rehabilitation for years.

“He has been going there and back, fetching those kids. He called me a dozen times,” Lukashenko said of the philanthropist. “I contacted [Russian President Vladimir] Putin, told him: Let us spend some of the money from the union state budget on those kids.”
「彼は子供たちを迎えに行ったり来たりしていました。彼は私に十数回電話をかけてきた」とルカシェンコはこの慈善家について語った。 「私は(ロシアのウラジーミル)プーチン大統領に連絡して、『国家予算の一部をあの子供たちに使おうではないか』と言いました」。

Russia and its close ally Belarus comprise a union state, which serves as an integration institution.

Lukashenko expressed outrage that the Belarusian assistance program was being used by some critics to level accusations of abducting minors.

“They want the [International] Criminal Court (ICC) to charge me over this. What exceptional slimeballs they are! Grasping at straws!” he said, as quoted by local media.

In March, the ICC issued formal accusations against Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, the presidential commissioner for children’s rights. The Hague-based body alleged that Russian officials were involved in the “unlawful deportation” and “unlawful transfer” of children in the context of the armed conflict with Ukraine.

Moscow rejected the charges as coming from a politically compromised organization. In May, Russia’s Investigative Committee launched a criminal probe into possible wrongdoing by the ICC prosecutor and judges who signed off on the warrant.
モスクワは、政治的に妥協した組織によるものとして告発を拒否した。 5月、ロシアの捜査委員会は、令状に署名したICC検察官と裁判官による不正行為の可能性について刑事捜査を開始した。

Some Ukrainian officials and members of the Western-backed Belarus opposition have argued that Lukashenko should be prosecuted by the ICC on the same grounds as Putin and Lvova-Belova.

