
イスラエル・ガザ紛争:米国とイランとの紛争が拡大するリスクとは?/The Gardianを読む

Israel-Gaza war: what is the risk of a wider conflict with US and Iran?

Escalating Houthi attacks on cargo ships in the Red Sea are stoking fears that the Gaza conflict could engulf the Middle East

So far, the war in Gaza prompted by Hamas’s attack on 7 October has not precipitated the nightmare scenario – a wider Middle East conflict drawing in the US and Iran. But after events of the past few days, that risk appears to be becoming more serious.
これまでのところ、10月7日のハマスの攻撃によって引き起こされたガザ戦争は、米国とイランを巻き込んだより広範な中東紛争という悪夢のシナリオを引き起こしていない。 しかし、ここ数日の出来事を受けて、そのリスクはさらに深刻になっているようだ。

The centre of the danger is in the Red Sea, where Houthi forces based in Yemen and backed by Iran have been attacking freighters with real or perceived links to Israel. The US has offered protection to shipping travelling through the region, assembling a multinational naval coalition “to uphold the foundational principle of freedom of navigation”. But President Joe Biden has said he wants to avoid direct military confrontation with the Houthis for fear of triggering an escalation.
危険の中心は紅海にあり、イエメンに拠点を置き、イランの支援を受けるフーシ派部隊が、イスラエルと実際に、またはそう認識されている関係を持つ貨物船を攻撃している。 米国は「航行の自由の基本原則を守るため」多国籍海軍連合を結成し、この地域を航行する船舶の保護を提供している。 しかしジョー・バイデン大統領は、エスカレーションを引き起こすことを恐れ、フーシ派との直接の軍事衝突は避けたいと述べた。

On Sunday, US naval forces crossed that line for the first time, killing all crew on three Houthi boats that had been attacking a container ship. Britain’s defence secretary, Grant Shapps, said the UK “won’t hesitate to take further action” if the Houthi attacks continued.
日曜日、米海軍が初めてその一線を越え、コンテナ船を攻撃していたフーシ派のボート3隻の乗組員全員が死亡した。 英国のグラント・シャップス国防長官は、フーシ派の攻撃が続けば英国は「ためらうことなくさらなる行動を取る」と述べた。

Now, as Tehran rejects calls from Washington and London to end its support for the Houthis, an Iranian destroyer has sailed into the Red Sea. Meanwhile, the UK and US, potentially with another European country, are considering a warning about strikes on military installations in Yemen.
現在、イラン政府がフーシ派への支援をやめるよう求めるワシントンとロンドンの呼びかけを拒否している中、イランの駆逐艦が紅海へ出航した。 一方、英国と米国は、他の欧州諸国と協力する可能性もあり、イエメンの軍事施設への攻撃について警告を検討している。

Here’s a look at what’s going on, and why there are serious fears about what happens next.

How did the crisis begin?

Soon after the massacre on 7 October, the Houthi leader Abdulmalik Al-Houthi declared his support for Hamas and said his forces were “ready to move in the hundreds of thousands to join the Palestinian people and confront the enemy”.

That may have been an exaggeration: for the next month, Houthi involvement was limited to missile and drone attacks that were largely intercepted by US and Israeli countermeasures. But on 19 November, militants used a helicopter to seize a cargo ship in the Red Sea that was Japanese-operated but ultimately owned by an Israeli businessman. (You can see a video of the hijacking here.) The Houthis abducted the crew and said all vessels linked to Israel would “become a legitimate target for armed forces”.
それは誇張だったかもしれない。翌1か月間、フーシ派の関与はミサイルとドローン攻撃に限定され、米国とイスラエルの対抗措置によって主に阻止された。 しかし11月19日、過激派はヘリコプターを使用して紅海で日本が運航していたが、最終的にはイスラエル人実業家が所有していた貨物船を拿捕した。 (ハイジャックのビデオはここで見ることができる。)フーシ派は乗組員を拉致し、イスラエルと関係のあるすべての船舶が「軍隊の正当な標的になる」と述べた。

What has happened in the Red Sea since then?

There have been at least 17 attacks on vessels the Houthis believe are linked to Israel or its allies, mostly without success. Until now, the US has refrained from direct confrontation. But on Sunday, US Navy helicopters fired on a group of small boats attempting to board a container ship that had requested their protection, the Maersk Hangzhou. While Washington said that its helicopters had fired in self-defence, the deaths of 10 militants mark a new phase in the crisis.
フーシ派がイスラエルまたはその同盟国と関係があると信じている船舶に対する攻撃は少なくとも17件あったが、そのほとんどは成功していない。 米国はこれまで直接対決を避けてきた。 しかし日曜日、米海軍のヘリコプターが、保護を要請していたコンテナ船「マースク杭州号」に乗り込もうとした小型ボート群に向けて発砲した。 米国政府はヘリコプターが自衛のために発砲したと述べたが、10人の戦闘員の死亡は危機の新たな段階を示している。

The safety of shipping in the Red Sea is important to the world economy because it is an important trade route linking Asia to Europe and the US. Thirty per cent of global container traffic passes through the region, and any significant threat to its safety could have knock-on consequences for oil prices and the availability in the west of items produced in Asia. Israel is also heavily dependent on Red Sea traffic, with the vast majority of imports and exports travelling by sea.
紅海はアジアとヨーロッパおよび米国を結ぶ重要な貿易ルートであるため、紅海での輸送の安全は世界経済にとって重要だ。 世界のコンテナ輸送の30%がこの地域を通過しており、その安全性に対する重大な脅威があれば、石油価格やアジア産の西側諸国での入手可能性に波及効果をもたらす可能性がある。 イスラエルはまた、紅海交通に大きく依存しており、輸出入の大部分は海路で行われている。

Who are the Houthis?

The Houthis are a militia group representing a branch of Shia Islam called Zaidism that once ruled Yemen but was marginalised under the Sunni regime in the Yemen capital, Sana’a, since the 1962-70 civil war. They forced the government out in a 2014 coup, prompting a Saudi-led military intervention against them and a catastrophic civil war that the UN estimated led to 377,000 deaths and displaced 4 million people by the end of 2021.
フーシ派はザイディズムと呼ばれるイスラム教シーア派の一派を代表する民兵組織で、かつてイエメンを統治していたが、1962年から70年の内戦以来イエメンの首都サヌアのスンニ派政権下で疎外されていた。 彼らは2014年のクーデターで政府を追い出し、サウジアラビア主導の彼らに対する軍事介入を引き起こし、国連の推定では2021年末までに37万7,000人が死亡、400万人が避難した破滅的な内戦を引き起こした。

The Houthis effectively won the war. An April 2022 ceasefire prompted a significant decline in violence, and fighting has largely remained in abeyance despite the official expiry of the truce in October. Most Yemenis now live in areas under rebel control, with the Houthis now running most of the north of the country and in charge of its Red Sea coastline. Crucially, the Houthis are backed by Iran as part of its longstanding hostility with Saudi Arabia, and the US recently declassified intelligence it said showed Iranian involvement in the operations against commercial shipping in the Red Sea.
フーシ派は事実上戦争に勝利した。 2022年4月の停戦により暴力は大幅に減少し、10月に正式に停戦期限が切れたにもかかわらず、戦闘はほぼ休止状態が続いている。 イエメン人のほとんどは現在、反政府勢力の支配下にある地域に住んでおり、フーシ派は現在、国の北部の大部分を支配し、紅海沿岸を担当している。 重要なのは、フーシ派はサウジアラビアとの長年の敵対関係の一環としてイランの支援を受けており、米国は最近、紅海での商船に対する作戦へのイランの関与を示す情報を機密解除したと発表した。

Many Yemenis see the operations as a legitimate means of exerting pressure on Israel and its allies in defence of Palestinian civilians, and analysts say the Houthis’ intervention has helped shore up their domestic support. The militants also believe attacks in the Red Sea can make them a more significant global player, synonymous with Yemen as a whole despite the presence of an internationally recognised government in the south of the country.
多くのイエメン人はこの作戦を、パレスチナ民間人を守るためにイスラエルとその同盟国に圧力をかける正当な手段とみており、アナリストらはフーシ派の介入が国内の支持強化に役立っていると述べている。 武装勢力はまた、紅海での攻撃により、イエメン南部に国際的に認められた政府が存在するにもかかわらず、イエメン全体の同義語として、イエメンがより重要な世界的プレーヤーになれる可能性があると信じている。

Meanwhile, the Saudis are attempting to normalise relations with Iran, and finalise a peace deal that could recognise Houthi control of the north of Yemen – and are anxious about any response from the US that could complicate its effort to withdraw from the country.

How are shipping companies responding?

Seven of the world’s 10 biggest shipping companies, including BP and the German company Hapag-Lloyd, have suspended use of the Suez Canal and the Red Sea as a result of the crisis. Maersk had recommenced operations in the area a week ago but suspended them again after the attack on the Hangzhou.

While others have resumed service after the US organised a naval coalition to protect the area, many container ships are still using alternative routes, with many vessels travelling from Asia to Europe around southern Africa instead – a journey that can take up to two weeks longer.

Data released last week by Flexport, a global logistics company, found that half of container ships were avoiding the region, representing about 18% of global container capacity. That is driving up costs – with a surcharge of about $5,000 (£3,927) per 40ft container likely to push rates to triple what they were before the crisis began. Here’s a chart showing the extent of the diversions just after Christmas.

What are western governments doing?

The White House’s answer to the crisis was to assemble a naval taskforce, called Operation Prosperity Guardian, to defend shipping in the region. While most countries have contributed only sailors, with just the UK and US sending ships, the aim is to make it harder for the Houthis to claim the attacks are focused solely on Israel and the US. Notably, Bahrain is the only Arab country to have joined publicly, with most seeing the economic impact as outweighed by the dangers of being seen as defending Israel.
この危機に対するホワイトハウスの回答は、この地域の海運を防衛するために「Operation Prosperity Guardian(繁栄の守護者作戦)」と呼ばれる海軍機動部隊を編成することだった。ほとんどの国は船員だけを提供し、イギリスとアメリカだけが艦船を派遣しているが、その目的は、攻撃がイスラエルとアメリカだけに集中しているとフーシ派が主張するのを難しくすることだ。注目すべきは、アラブ諸国の中でバーレーンだけが公式に参加していることだ。ほとんどの国は、経済的な影響よりも、イスラエルを擁護しているとみなされる危険性の方が大きいと見ている。

The US has meanwhile been constrained by Saudi Arabia’s concerns about the impact of a big attack on the Houthis on its attempts to finalise a peace deal in Yemen. And there are fears in Washington that any escalation could bolster Iranian influence in the region. But more hawkish observers say the prospect of attacks on shipping without any major response will only make them more frequent.
一方、米国は、フーシ派に対する大規模な攻撃がイエメン和平合意をまとめようとする試みに与える影響についてのサウジアラビアの懸念により制約されている。 そしてワシントンでは、事態がエスカレートすれば、この地域におけるイランの影響力が強まる可能性があるとの懸念がある。 しかし、より多くのタカ派観測筋は、大きな対応がないまま船舶への攻撃が行われる可能性があるため、攻撃はさらに頻繁になるだろうと述べている。

Could the crisis get worse?

On Sunday, Julian Borger wrote that “the Middle East has been slipping towards the precipice of a regional war” since 7 October and “the past week has shown how the cliff edge keeping it from that abyss could quickly crumble away”.

The US attacks on Houthi vessels are not decisive in themselves: although a significant departure from previous practice, they fall a long way short of strikes on militant bases within Yemen. But if the threat in the Red Sea continues, shipping companies already avoiding the area are likely to continue to do so, with more following their example. Global oil prices have not yet been affected significantly by the crisis, and fell last week because of a belief that the route was reopening. Any sense that the threat is growing again with no effective exit strategy in place could prompt that change.

The Houthis have shown no sign of being deterred, saying recently that unless humanitarian aid is allowed into Gaza and Israel stops its attacks, they will not stop harassing shipping “even if America succeeds in mobilising the entire world”. If Sunday’s events do not change that calculus, the US may finally decide to attack targets in Yemen, heightening tensions with Iran, and creating a risk of the wider confrontation that Biden has been so anxious to avoid.



宮野宏樹(Hiroki Miyano)@View the world