

Inflation Eases as Core Prices Post Smallest Increase Since 2021

Results are in line with expectations. Investors cheer, sending stocks higher.

U.S. inflation eased slightly in April, offering relief to investors and the Federal Reserve after a run of economic data at the start of the year revealed simmering price pressures.

The consumer-price index, a gauge for goods and service costs across the U.S. economy, rose 3.4% in April from a year ago, the Labor Department said Wednesday. Core prices that exclude volatile food and energy items climbed 3.6% annually, the lowest increase since April 2021.

Investors cheered the report, which was in line with expectations. It followed three months in which inflation was firmer than anticipated.

Major U.S. stock indexes advanced. The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq Composite were all on track for record highs.

The yields on 10-year Treasurys, which fall as prices rise, ticked lower. Both stocks and bonds have rallied in May, gaining momentum after jobs data earlier this month showed cooling in the labor market.

Wednesday’s inflation data should also allow officials at the Fed to breathe more easily because it suggests prices and economic activity aren’t reaccelerating. A separate report Wednesday showed retail sales were flat in April, reaffirming that hypothesis.

“This is a very comforting report,” said Erica Groshen, a senior economic adviser at the Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations. “It is consistent with the view of a soft landing.”

On its own, Wednesday’s reading won’t be enough to change Fed officials’ calculus for if and when to begin cutting rates, which affect borrowing costs across the economy.

But it preserved the possibility of rate cuts later this year and quieted fears that the Fed might need to open the door wider to an interest-rate hike. Fed Chair Jerome Powell had played down that prospect in remarks Tuesday without ruling it out entirely.
しかし、これにより年内利下げの可能性は維持され、FRBが利上げに向けてさらに門戸を開く必要があるのではないかとの懸念が静まった。 FRBのパウエル議長は火曜日の発言でその可能性を完全に否定することなく、その可能性を軽視した。

Most economists expect the Fed to cut interest rates this year but are divided over when. Because it will likely take another two reports to shore up officials’ confidence that inflation can return to the lower levels that prevailed before the pandemic, many expect the Fed might not be ready to cut interest rates before September.
エコノミストの多くはFRBが年内利下げすると予想しているが、その時期については意見が分かれている。 インフレ率がパンデミック以前の低い水準に戻る可能性があるという当局者の確信を強めるには、さらに2つの報告書が必要となる可能性が高いため、FRBは9月までに利下げする準備が整わないのではないかと多くの人が予想している。

Slowing inflation, but high prices

Millions of Americans are still feeling the squeeze of higher prices. Gasoline prices pushed up overall inflation, while consumers continued paying more for housing in April. But year-over-year rent increases slowed from a month earlier, a key sign for economists that a big driver of inflation in recent years is easing.
何百万人ものアメリカ人が依然として物価上昇の圧迫を感じている。 ガソリン価格が全体のインフレを押し上げた一方、消費者は4月も引き続き住宅購入額を増やした。 しかし、前年比の家賃上昇率は前月から鈍化しており、エコノミストにとっては、近年のインフレの大きな要因が緩和されつつあることを示す重要な兆候となっている。

Costs of groceries and vehicles also edged lower in April from the previous month, while price increases for medical care decelerated.

Fed officials started the year optimistic that they would be able to lower rates. But a string of hot data upended policy projections from Washington to Wall Street. Some economists and Democrats fear keeping interest rates at their highest level in more than two decades could weaken job growth and tip the economy into a recession.
FRB当局者らは利下げができるだろうと楽観的に年をスタートした。 しかし、一連の注目データはワシントンからウォール街までの政策予測を覆した。 エコノミストや民主党員の中には、金利を20年以上ぶりの高水準に維持すると雇用の伸びが弱まり、経済が景気後退に陥る可能性があると懸念する人もいる。

Fed officials “did not expect this to be a smooth road,” but first-quarter inflation readings “were higher than I think anybody expected,” Powell said Tuesday. “What that has told us is that we’ll need to be patient and let restrictive policy do its work.”
パウエル議長は火曜日、FRB当局者らは「これが平坦な道のりになるとは予想していなかった」が、第1四半期のインフレ率は「誰もが予想していたよりも高かったと思う」と述べた。 「この事実が私たちに教えてくれたのは、私たちは忍耐強く、制限的な政策が機能するようにする必要があるということです。」

U.S. consumer sentiment veered sharply lower in May, according to preliminary results of a University of Michigan survey released last week. Americans’ outlook darkened in part due to expectations that both inflation and interest rates will stay elevated, pressuring households’ day-to-day budgets and keeping mortgage rates high.
先週発表されたミシガン大学調査の暫定結果によると、米国の消費者心理は5月に急激に悪化した。 米国人の見通しが暗くなったのは、インフレと金利の両方が高止まりし、家計の日々の予算を圧迫し、住宅ローン金利が高止まりするとの予想が一因だ。

Those inflation blues have become a stubborn political problem for President Biden despite the American economy powering ahead of many rich counterparts.

“To get inflation in that 2% lane—and reliably in that 2% lane—you really need everything to go perfectly,” said Lara Rhame, chief U.S. economist at FS Investments. “We’re still not in that world.”
FSインベストメンツの首席米国エコノミスト、ララ・レイム氏は「インフレ率を2%のレーンに、そして確実に2%のレーンに収めるには、すべてが完璧に進む必要がある」と述べた。 「私たちはまだその世界にいません。」

Inflation has cooled notably over the past year. In April 2023, inflation as measured by the CPI was 4.9%, and it was 8.3% for the 12 months before that. But many Americans are taking little comfort from milder 12-month inflation rates because the run-up in the price of everything from cars to restaurant meals to housing since 2021 has been abnormally large.
インフレは過去1年間で著しく低下した。 2023 年 4 月の CPI で測定されたインフレ率は 4.9% でしたが、その前の 12 か月間では 8.3% でした。 しかし、2021年以降、自動車からレストランでの食事、住宅に至るまであらゆるものの価格の高騰が異常に大きかったため、多くの米国人は12カ月のインフレ率が緩やかになっても安心できていない。

Two years ago, Fed officials were “very concerned that the very high inflation we saw might be quite difficult to bring down without a very significant decline in employment and…that didn’t happen. That’s just a great result,” Powell said Tuesday.
2年前、FRB当局者らは「我々が見ている非常に高いインフレは、雇用の大幅な減少なしには引き下げるのが非常に難しいのではないかと非常に懸念していたが…それは起こらなかった。 それはまさに素晴らしい結果だ」とパウエル氏は火曜日に語った。

But people are unhappy because the prices they pay are high, even if the rates of increase have slowed, he said. “You tell people ‘Inflation is coming down,’ and they think, ‘I don’t understand that. The price of all the things that I buy hasn’t come down.’ And they’re not wrong,” Powell said.
しかし、たとえ増加率が鈍化したとしても、支払う代償が高いため人々は不満を感じている、と同氏は述べた。 「人々に『インフレは下がってきている』と言うと、彼らは『そんなことは理解できない』と思うでしょう。 私が買うものの価格はすべて下がっていない』と言いましたが、それは間違っていません」とパウエル氏は語った。


