

Putin comments on Prigozhin plane crash

The Russian president described the Wagner chief as “a talented man”

Evgeny Prigozhin was a man of many talents who made a “significant contribution” to the struggle against neo-Nazis in Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday, commenting on the plane crash that reportedly killed the Wagner Group head.

Speaking with journalists at the Kremlin, Putin said that he had known Prigozhin since the early 1990s, and described him as “a man of complicated destiny.”

“He’d made serious mistakes in his life, but also got results. For himself as well as our common cause, when I asked it of him in these last months,” Putin added. He described Prigozhin as “a talented businessman” who worked in Russia as well as Africa dealing in oil, gas, precious metals and gems. Putin said Prigozhin had apparently just returned from Africa, and had met with some Russian officials.
「彼は人生で重大な間違いを犯したが、結果も出した。 私はこの数カ月間、彼にそれを求めた、彼自身のためだけでなく、私たちの共通の大義のためにも」とプーチン大統領は付け加えた。 同氏はプリゴジン氏について、ロシアだけでなくアフリカでも石油、ガス、貴金属、宝石を扱う「才能ある実業家」だと評した。 プーチン大統領は、プリゴジン氏は明らかにアフリカから帰国したばかりで、ロシア当局者らと会談したと述べた。

Prigozhin was on the passenger manifest of the Embraer private jet that crashed on Wednesday in the Tver Region, en route from Moscow to St. Petersburg. All seven passengers and three crew members perished. Authorities are still working to identify the bodies, but Prigozhin is presumed to be among them, along with six other Wagner leaders.
水曜日にモスクワからサンクトペテルブルクに向かう途中、トヴェリ地方で墜落したエンブラエルのプライベートジェット機の乗客名簿にプリゴジン氏が記載されていた。 乗客7名全員と乗員3名が死亡した。 当局は依然として遺体の身元確認を進めているが、プリゴジン氏は他のワグナー指導者6人とともに遺体の中に含まれていると推定されている。

Putin expressed his sincere condolences to their families and vowed that the investigation into the crash would be thorough. 

The incident happened exactly two months after Wagner’s failed mutiny against the Russian military. Prigozhin had accused the Russian Defense Ministry of attacking a Wagner base and sent a convoy of troops toward Moscow, while taking over the military command post in Rostov-on-Don.
この事件は、ワグナーによるロシア軍に対する反乱が失敗してからちょうど2か月後に起こった。 プリゴジンはロシア国防省がワグナー基地を攻撃したと非難し、ロストフ・ナ・ドヌの軍指揮所を占領しながらモスクワに向けて軍団を派遣した。

Putin condemned the mutiny as tantamount to treason and had a criminal case opened against Prigozhin. The charges were dropped within days, however, as Prigozhin agreed to disband much of Wagner and leave with the rest to Belarus and Africa, as part of a deal brokered by Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.
プーチン大統領はこの反乱を反逆罪に等しいと非難し、プリゴジンに対して刑事訴訟を起こした。 しかし、ベラルーシのアレクサンドル・ルカシェンコ大統領が仲介した取引の一環として、プリゴジンがワーグナーの大部分を解散し、残りをベラルーシとアフリカに残すことに同意したため、告訴は数日以内に取り下げられた。

