

US launches air strikes against Iran-linked targets in Iraq and Syria

Retaliatory attacks come six days after drone attack killed 3 US troops on American base in Jordan

The US carried out strikes in Iraq and Syria on Friday, hitting targets that included elements of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, in retaliation for a drone attack killed three American troops based in Jordan.

The Pentagon’s Central Command said 85 targets were hit, including those associated with the IRGC’s Quds Force as well as Iranian-backed militia in the region. It is the first of what the Pentagon has said will be a series of retaliatory strikes.
国防総省中央軍は、イラン革命防衛隊のコッズ部隊やこの地域のイラン支援の民兵組織に関連する標的を含む、85の標的が攻撃されたと発表した。 これは国防総省が発表した一連の報復攻撃の最初のものである。

This is the first time the US has targeted the Quds Force directly in its escalating campaign in the region, and will heighten fears Washington is being drawn deeper into a widening regional conflict sparked by the Israel-Hamas war.

Central Command said the air strikes were carried out by aircraft that included “long-range bombers flown from the United States”. All told, they fired more than 125 precision munitions and hit facilities including command and control and intelligence centres; rocket, missile and drone storage sites; and logistic hubs, Centcom said.
中央軍は、空爆は「米国から飛来した長距離爆撃機」を含む航空機によって行われたと述べた。 合計すると、彼らは125発以上の精密弾を発射し、指揮統制センターや諜報センターなどの施設を攻撃した。 ロケット、ミサイル、ドローンの保管場所。 セントコム氏によると、物流ハブもあるという。

The Joe Biden administration has sought to avoid escalation despite attacks by Iran-backed militias on US military personnel in Iraq, Syria and Jordan. The US last month also launched a campaign of missile strikes against Iran-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen.
ジョー・バイデン政権は、イラク、シリア、ヨルダンでイラン支援の民兵組織による米軍人への攻撃にもかかわらず、事態のエスカレーションを避けようとしていた。 米国は先月もイエメンのイラン支援フーシ派反政府勢力に対するミサイル攻撃作戦を開始した。

“We will have a multi-tiered response, and again, we have the ability to respond a number of times, depending on what the situation is,” Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, said on Thursday.

Washington attributed last Sunday’s drone attack on its base in Jordan, which also injured 41 service members, to the Islamic Resistance in Iraq — a shadowy umbrella group that contains Kataib Hizbollah, a radical Shia militia, as well as other groups that have claimed responsibility for more than 160 attacks against US service members since mid-October, after the start of the Israel-Hamas war.
米国政府は、ヨルダンの基地に対する先週日曜日の無人機攻撃で軍人41人が負傷したのは、イラクのイスラム抵抗軍によるものだと主張した。イスラム抵抗軍は、過激派シーア派民兵組織カタイブ・ヒズボラやその他の犯行声明を出したグループを含む影の統括組織である。 イスラエル・ハマス戦争開始後の10月中旬以来、米軍人に対する攻撃は160件以上発生している。

The IRI is part of the Axis of Resistance, controlled by Iran, and has also targeted Israeli interests since Hamas’s attack on the Jewish state in October.

Biden has been under pressure from some Republicans to hit Iran directly in response to last week’s attacks, which follow months of strikes by Houthi rebels on commercial vessels in the Red Sea, an important shipping lane for global trade.

The US has carried out more than 10 strikes on Houthi positions in Yemen in an effort to degrade the group’s ability to attack international maritime traffic.

“I don’t think we need a wider war in the Middle East. That’s not what I’m looking for,” Biden told reporters on Tuesday after he said he had decided on how to respond.
「中東でさらに広範な戦争が必要だとは思わない。 それは私が求めていることではない」とバイデン氏は火曜日、対応方法を決めたと述べた後、記者団に語った。

Iranian officials have also said they do not seek direct conflict with the US and Israel or a regional war. “We are not seeking war, but we are not afraid of it,” Major General Hossein Salami, commander of the IRGC, said on Wednesday.
イラン当局者らはまた、米国やイスラエルとの直接紛争や地域戦争は望んでいないとも述べた。 革命防衛隊司令官ホセイン・サラミ少将は水曜日、「我々は戦争を求めているわけではないが、戦争を恐れてはいない」と述べた。

Biden’s decision to attack came after several meetings in recent days with his national security team to decide on an appropriate response. In the meantime, Kataib Hizbollah on Wednesday said it had halted attacks on US troops.
バイデン氏の攻撃決定は、適切な対応を決定するための国家安全保障チームとのここ数日の数回の会合の後に下された。 一方、カタイブ・ヒズボラは水曜日、米軍への攻撃を停止したと発表した。

The US said it did not take that claim at “face value” and said Kataib Hizbollah was not the only group attacking its troops.

Friday’s assertive response further adds to an increasingly unstable Middle East. US secretary of state Antony Blinken on Monday warned the region was at its most dangerous juncture since the Yom Kippur war between Israel and its neighbours in 1973.
金曜日の強硬な対応は、中東の不安定さをさらに増大させている。 アントニー・ブリンケン米国務長官は月曜日、この地域は1973年のイスラエルと近隣諸国とのヨム・キプール戦争以来、最も危険な時期にあると警告した。

