
ロバート・ケネディJR:父と叔父は軍産複合体と戦っていた/The Triune Timesより

My father and uncle were fighting against the emergence of the military industrial complex and their dads really marked a fork in the road for our country and for the rest of the world where we started down this road towards corporatism, which is what I call them.

The merger this corrupt merger state and corporate pap, my father and uncle were fighting against this emergence of the military industrial complex and their dads really marked a fork in the road for our country and for the rest of the world where we started down this road towards corporatism, which is what I call them.
この腐敗した合併国家と企業のパパ、私の父と叔父はこの軍産複合体の出現に反対して戦っていました 彼らの父たちは、私たちの国と世界の他の国々にとって、私たちがコーポラティズムへの道を歩み始める分岐点を本当に示していました。私は彼らをそう呼んでいます。

The merger, this corrupt merger of state and corporate power.

