
英検2次試験 ワンポイントアドバイス②



① Some people say that parents should allow their children to have smartphones. What do you think about that?

Yes, because sometimes kids need to call their parents when they're at the train station or at someone's house, or they need to be picked up. Also, they might need it for an emergency.

No, I don’t think so. Because smartphones are a distraction. And kids might only play games on the smartphone.

② Today, it is often said that there are too many convenience stores in Japan. Do you think there should be fewer convenience stores?

Yes, because it is not necessary to have two convenience stores on the same block. That's too many. And also it wastes energy.

No, because some people like to have many options where they are. So they may not want to go to Seven Eleven and instead go to Family Mart, for example.



① Do you think the coronavirus pandemic has changed the world?

Yes, more people are aware of their health and other people's health and how it affects other people. Also, some students are having trouble with adjusting to life in the classroom and making friends and socializing. Also, it has disrupted trade. So there's still a problem with supply in many places.

② Should Japanese people express themselves more clearly?

No, I don't think so. Japanese people generally understand each other, and understand the culture and the rules of it. So they don't need to express themselves more clearly. They can understand the basic idea of what needs to be said or communicated.

Yes, they do. Because it's too vague. Foreign people cannot understand what Japanese people are thinking because it is difficult to read their mind. So, if something is said more clearly, or even a little more directly, they will not have a problem. There's no miscommunication.


③ Should each individual do more to provent global warming?

Yes, because little things can do a lot to protect the environment. For example, if we use reusable plastic bottles, it can reduce waste that can also contribute to greenhouse gases when they are put in the landfill.

No, because it doesn't matter what individuals do. Big business and government tend to waste more. They should care about the environment.



Agree or disagree:
Nuclear power plants should resume operation

Although there tends to be some risks of safety, like what happened at Fukushima and Chernobyl, nuclear power is generally clean and safe. It produces some hot water and generates nuclear waste, which has to be stored somewhere so far away. And it's sustainable. However, one limitation is, from what I was reading, it's impossible to cover the earth with nuclear power. The capacity for building nuclear power plants is limited. With solar power, it's possible. So, there should be a combination of nuclear power and other renewable sources.(89)

So, on the one hand, yes. We definitely need it because it is a clean source. However, we have to think about the regulations and the upkeep. These things cannot be left to just rot away. Not just Chernobyl and Fukushima. There have been many other near meltdown disasters. The one that I'm thinking of is Three Mile Island in, in Pennsylvania in the US, where people were having to evacuate because there was a meltdown about to happen. It's so difficult because we need some sort of clean energy, obviously, but there has not been enough investment in renewable sources. So rather than completely shutting down on nuclear power, invest in renewables. It must be done.(111)
一方では、確かに賛成です。クリーンなエネルギー源なので、間違いなく必要です。しかし 規制、維持管理を考える必要があります。これらをただ朽ち果てるのを待っているわけにはいきません。チェルノブイリや福島だけではありません。メルトダウンに近い災害は他にもたくさんありました。例えば、アメリカのペンシルバニア州にあるスリーマイル島では、メルトダウンが起こりそうなため、人々が避難を余儀なくされました。クリーンなエネルギーが必要なのは明らかですが、再生可能エネルギーへの投資が十分でないため、非常に困難な状況です。ですから、原子力発電を完全に停止するのではなく、再生可能エネルギーに投資しなければならないのです。
