
BandcampがEpic Games傘下に

音楽配信プラットフォームBandcampが、FortniteやUnreal Engineなどで有名なEpic Gamesの傘下へと入りましたね。

これまでも幾度となく買収の声掛けはあったそうですが、運営哲学にピッタリと沿う企業がEpic Gamesだったとのこと。

And while over the years we’ve heard from other companies who wanted us to join them, we’ve always felt that doing so would only be exciting if they strongly believed in our mission, were aligned with our values, and not only wanted to see Bandcamp continue, but also wanted to provide the resources to bring a lot more benefit to the artists, labels, and fans who use the site. Epic ticks all those boxes.

Bandcamp Blog - Bandcamp is Joining Epic Games

Epic Gamesグループに入っても、Bandcampは独立した運営を維持でき、CEOであり創業者のEthan Diamondも続投するそうですね。


However, behind the scenes we’re working with Epic to expand internationally and push development forward across Bandcamp, from basics like our album pages, mobile apps, merch tools, payment system, and search and discovery features, to newer initiatives like our vinyl pressing and live streaming services.

Bandcamp Blog - Bandcamp is Joining Epic Games


Cover photo by charlesdeluvio on Unsplash
