
Complete irony: I can't live on without the things I hate.

If there were a utopia where I don't have to be chased around by chores of even the most mundane kind, I bet I would lose one orientation of life. What I mean by that is, put simply, my raison d'être comes from the boring stuff, not the fun stuff.

I do relish playing Super Smash Bros. Special on my brand-new Nintendo Switch;
I do love meeting and talking with my close friends and partner;
I do enjoy day-dreaming about fictional stories and characters of my own.

Still, they probably wouldn't be as entertaining if the boring stuff didn't exist. The boring stuff are actually what keeps me running. The obligations, the deadlines, the responsibilities.

I need to finish my homework;
I need to check the email;
I need to fulfill my duties as a club (vice) president, etc. etc.

The list goes on and on. And it is precisely because of this boundlessness that I want to live, or that I forget my destrudo. 

But in other words: if, one day, I give in to the infinitude of my to-do list, that is when an existential crisis and I go in full collision. And that is also when I have to look at my own naked self.







でも言い換えるとこうなる:もし、ある日、ぼくがto-do listの無限性に屈したら、そのときにこそ実存的危機とぼく自身が全面衝突する。そしてまた、そのときにぼくは丸裸の自分と直面するのだ。
