
Essay of “Le petit prince”

5things I got it as lessons by reading “le petit prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

1.Retain a little bit of our childness
Being an adult comes with lots of difficulties. With that comes the loss of our innocence. What he teaches us is, “Be openminded like a child.”

2.What is essential is invisible to our eyes
It is only with the heart that we can see rightly. Neither wealth nor beauty interested the Little Prince. Those are just a shell, empty and of no importance. His heart was pure,different from us nowadays.Judge them by what they do,not by their words. Things I always forget ugh🐣Fox teaches the importance lies deep in our hearts.

3.Nip in the bud
If the little prince didn’t pull out harmless sprouts at the first glance, the baobabs would overgrow his whole tiny world. This tells us that,”solve them at the very beginning before they become impossible to deal with.

4.There’s much more to life than money
There appears a businessman who appears on one of the planets. he provides a great example of this. Money can give us a sense of stability and security.However,it can’t let us rule our life.

5.Remember to look up the stars
For scholars,stars are yet to be “discovered and understood”.Someone said stars tells where he is heading for. For me,they were just little lights in the sky reminding what I am.In the world of business,they are gold. And you?For us, and only for us, the stars always stay there still.

