About my best friend

I met her when I was a university student. Her name is Ranko. She is my best friend.
The first place we knew each other is at the reading association across university because we entered the same association.

We have same interests (books of course, art, movie, traveling…) and also similar backgrounds (grown up in a commuter town, went to girls-school and so on).
Although I can make up a long list of our common points, it’s not the reason why she became my best friend.
Actually, total time we spend together is not so long because we went to different university. Nonetheless, it’s no doubt that the quality of the time we spend together is pretty high.
Anyway, we have a good chemistry.

The most memorable memory about her is the time when I went to Gifu-prefecture to meet her.

(After graduation, she went back to her hometown Gifu-prefecture to inherit her father’s job.
Currently, her job is wood wholesale so that she often goes to America, German, Croatia on a business trip. She lives in a suburb but works globally now.)

I was going to apology for her when I met her again.

When in university, she sometimes talked to me about her worry about that relationship with her parents was not good. Every time I replied to her “don’t worry, think positive!” or like that. I’ve thought that she needed some empowering words and what I could do was to cheer up her.

A few years later, I started working and faced some difficult situation.
Through my experience, I noticed that what I’ve done to her was not suitable for her.
If I could retry university student, I would change my attitude.
That’ s what I want to say sorry to her.

Our reunion is for the first time in 2 years. We chattered about our life, recently event lively, time floated so fast.
And the topic was moved on to the memory of university. She said that she didn’t keep in touch Ryoko, one of her best friends in university. I was very surprised to hear that because they seem to have a strong friendship which can’t be collapsed easily.
She said
“I can’t get along with her now, but time resolve this issue. Therefore, I’ve felt hard for your cheering several years ago when in university, however, time resolved. I understand you're intense to me. Likewise, my friendship with her will return sometime in the future.”

Before my apology, she showed me her understanding, I felt very relieved and convinced that she is surely my best friend.