
What if you are one of "close contacts"?①

I had discuss if you have symptoms of COVID-19 last time.
If, however, you are said that you are close contact of someone else?
How long should you self-quarantine if you have been exposed to COVID-19?
The answer is for 14 days.

It will start from the time of last possible exposure such as the day you went visit the patient's house or had dinner together.
If the patient is your family member who you live with, it will start from the day when he/she completed self-isolation period.
Basic regulations for close contacts in Japan,
-Do not use public transportation.
-Do not go school or work.
-Refrain from nonessential and non-urgent outings

I'm going to discuss how you can be careful at home next week.


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★★Followed by INFO in ENG★★

じょさんしONLINEの公式ブログは おおよそ以下の曜日・内容の更新です!

 ::MON:: 日本での妊娠・出産・育児in English
 ::WED:: 海外出産・シングル出産 LGBTQや障がい者の方の出産について
::THU:: はたらく女性の妊娠・出産・育児について
 ::FRI:: 帝王切開・多胎・切迫早産・悪阻が伴う 妊娠と出産と育児について
::SAT:: プレパパ&現役パパたちへのお役だち情報

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We post articles on note as below.
<MON>Info about giving birth in Japan
<WED>Info about various family styles.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<FRI>Info about various types of childbirth.
<THU>Info for working mums and pregnant women.
<SAT>Info for partners.
