
Hello! I'm mica. I want to study Engl…


Hello! I'm mica. I want to study English again, so I'll write articles in English. I'm interestead in Japanese traditional culture.


The podcast "Chronicle" is going to be great.

ー I'd like to write about the Pod Cast programs my recomending again. ー The podcast show "Chronicle" is a great show. I like and listen to a podcast show called “Chronicle” a lot. On the Chronicle's website, "Audio content that can be lis

    • I learned that I can't buy my own articles... I will continue to write NOTE seriously without causing any unpleasant feelings.

      • I’ll try to spend 100 points which I gave.

        I won 100 points! I want to use it, but there is no 100 yen thing in the article I want to purchase, and I am struggling to find it. All of the articles I am interested in cost more than $100… Why don't I just try to use them myself? So, I

        • Recently, I hear a podcast program. It’s “JOI ITO’s PODCAST”. In this program, he says that he’s very into Chado. So I enjoy listening it!!!

        The podcast "Chronicle" is going to be great.

        • I learned that I can't buy my own articles... I will continue to write NOTE seriously without causing any unpleasant feelings.

        • I’ll try to spend 100 points which I gave.

        • Recently, I hear a podcast program. It’s “JOI ITO’s PODCAST”. In this program, he says that he’s very into Chado. So I enjoy listening it!!!

          That I was amazed at the human ability to get used to it. [chapter 2]

          Continued from last time. ------------------------------------------------Finally, when I started writing the business plan, there were many things that I could not handle alone, such as choosing a location, getting quotes from design firms

          That I was amazed at the human ability to get used to it. [chapter 2]

          That I was amazed at the human ability to get used to it. [chapter 1]

          It has been a long interval, but I am back. I will write again patiently. Thank you very much. —————————————————————————————————————-  I recently read an article in the Nikkei newspaper in which a sociologist professor talked about what k

          That I was amazed at the human ability to get used to it. [chapter 1]

          I've got corona virus the week before. Media says the virus is getting to weak now, but it was so hard never to go out! take care everyone!

          I've got corona virus the week before. Media says the virus is getting to weak now, but it was so hard never to go out! take care everyone!

          I went to Fujiko Hemming’s concert. She was teaching us not only nice music, but it’s wonderfull for living long and do a lot of things.

          I went to Fujiko Hemming’s concert. She was teaching us not only nice music, but it’s wonderfull for living long and do a lot of things.

          Pot cast surfing

          This time I listened to this potcast... I always listen to music or English study program on my smart phone while cooking dinner. If I didn't have to do such a wasteful thing, I could cook a meal more quickly. But I tend to do it because I

          Pot cast surfing

          About the history of “WAGASI” as Japanese sweets [chapter 2]

          ※About the history of “WAGASI” as Japanese sweets [chapter 1]… The followings are the beginnings of the confectionery by THE NATIONAL WAGASHI ASSOCIATION website. —————————————————————————————————————- Then, that fruits witch were picked by

          About the history of “WAGASI” as Japanese sweets [chapter 2]

          The story of my mind was relaxed and at the same time my cheilitis was cured.

          I have been sick my stmach for the past few weeks. I have had a lot of problems for the past few months, and then there was the ceremony for handing over my diploma from my master in tea ceremony coming up this weekend, The change in tempe

          The story of my mind was relaxed and at the same time my cheilitis was cured.

          About the history of “WAGASI” as Japanese sweets [chapter 1]

          When you lean Japanese tea ceremony, Japanese sweets are inseparable and important items. For me, If there aren’t Japanese sweets, I didn’t even have a chance to start learning Japanese tea ceremony. Anyway, Japanese sweets are beautiful,

          About the history of “WAGASI” as Japanese sweets [chapter 1]

          A true tea master?(chapter 2)

          At the time, I did not understand what she meant, but as time passed and I had many similar experiences, I came to understand the meaning of "a true tea master”. The tea ceremony is a practice to achieve a higher level of self-discipline th

          A true tea master?(chapter 2)

          A true tea master?(chapter 1)

          When I learns tea ceremony, I sometimes have the opportunity to perform tea ceremonies at tea parties or cultural festivals at local centers. I worry about whether I will make mistakes in the tea ceremony. It is a good thing that I worry so

          A true tea master?(chapter 1)

          Gokuraku−Tonbo(easygoing and indifferent person) is the strongest in a sense !

          When I was a little child,maby it was in elementary school and junior high school, my parents used to call me a "gokuraku-tombo”. I was able to flow with everything and take everything in good stride, so I was enjoying my life every day. At

          Gokuraku−Tonbo(easygoing and indifferent person) is the strongest in a sense !

          About matcha(chapter 2)

          Later, the custom of drinking tea spread to general society and eventually transformed into a luxury item. During China's Qing Dynasty, Sen-cha was introduced also, and tea became a beverage that is consumed daily, as evidenced by the term

          About matcha(chapter 2)