
ZOOM [Day 33]


Today's Diary

Today, I talked to my parents at video telephone "zoom" in the first time for a while. My father don't looked like understand how to use zoom totally. Besides, voice input didn't work at first. I think that a people who is same ages with me can know how to use software what we have never touched before. The environment where my father had been grow is different with me. That is a reason?

今日は初めて親とZOOMでテレビ 電話をした。父は使い方が全然わかっていないようで、最初は音声が入っていない状態だった。僕らの世代はあらかたのソフトを動かしたらなんとなく操作感とかわかるけど、やっぱ育ってきた環境が違うとわかりづらいものなんだなぁ。
