
5/24/24 - "Living"(「生きる」)

Today, I watched a British film titled "Living," adapted from Kurosawa Akira's film "Ikiru" on Amazon Prime Video. Although I found the first 40 minutes boring, I got absorbed in the latter half. I had never seen the original Japanese film, and this British version made me want to watch it too. 

The film made me think about what I would do if I knew I had only several months to live. There are many things we could do, such as traveling to the places we have wanted to go, spending time with family, and doing our best in our jobs. The main character chose to be useful to others, even in a small way, by doing his job properly. While some people could see his efforts as self-satisfaction, I think it's important not to have regrets about our lives.

P.S. 最初の40分くらいは少しつまらなかったのですが、後半 (the latter half) は引き込まれました。余命宣告を受けた時、残りの短い人生をどう生きるか悩んでしまう主人公に共感しました。

他の人ために役に立つ、というのも自己満足 (self-satisfaction) と思う人もいるかもしれませんが、大切なのは悔いを残さないことかな、と思いました。人生の生き方は人それぞれですから… 。

*(be) adapted from A: Aを原作とした、Aを基に作った
*get absorbed in A: Aに引き込まれる
*have regrets about A: Aについて後悔する
