
5/23/24 - Children playing in the river

I went for a walk along the river near my house. On the way back, I saw four boys, seemingly 6 or 7 years old, playing in the river. I was surprised because they were half-naked (probably wearing swim trunks), splashing around the water

Although the river stretches more than 5 kilometers, it's very shallow, about 30 centimeters deep and about three meters wide. They were in a slightly deeper section, probably about 80 centimeters deep. A male adult was supervising them, so there was no risk of an accident, which was a relief.

The water is clean, so it's an ideal spot for swimming and playing. Watching them enjoy themselves made me feel happy. Hopefully, they won't catch a cold from being in the water for so long.

P.S. 川沿いの散歩の帰りに (on the way back) 、男の子4人が上半身裸で (half-naked) 川の中に入って遊んでいるのを目撃しました。(near the river ではなく、in the river だったのです。)その川は水がほとんどなく浅い (shallow) のですが、少し深い(80cmくらいの)の水が溜まったところで水浴びしていました。男性がきちんと見守っていた (supervise) ので事故が起こるリスクはなさそうで安心しました。


*swim trunks: 海水パンツ
*splashing around the water: 水しぶきを上げて
*stretch: ~に渡る、伸びる→ ~の長さがある
*a relief: 安心
*an ideal spot: 理想的な場所
*enjoy themselves: 楽しむ (enjoy は他動詞なので、この themselvesという目的語が必要です。)
