
12/30/23 - "Kukum" finished

I finally finished reading a French book written by a Canadian author about the life of his great-grandmother named Amanda. The book is written like a memoir narrated by herself.

Amanda was a white orphan girl, who was raised by her uncle and aunt. When she was about 16 years old, she met a boy who was an indigenous Canadian and fell in love with him. Then, they decided to get married even though they didn't even speak each other's languages. Living with his family in a tent, she learned their language and culture. She even went hunting with her husband and learned how to hunt animals and birds. 

I found the story beautifully told and enjoyed reading it despite the numerous unfamiliar vocabulary included. I was also impressed by Amanda's strength and courage to face and overcome numerous challenges in her life. Also, it was interesting to know about the lives of Innu people in Canada.

P.S. 何とか無事に1年以上も前から読んでいた「Kukum」というフランス語の本を読み終えました。主人公自身によって語られる (narrated by herself) 回想録 (memoir) のような1人称の文体で書かれていますが、主人公のAmanda(本名はAlmandaだと著者のあとがきにありましたが)は著者の曾祖母(great-grandmother) で、一緒に写っている写真なども載っていました。

彼女は両親がアイルランド人でしたが幼いころに亡くなり、カナダで叔母と伯父に育てられました (be raised) 。16歳(14歳だったかも??)でInnuというカナダの先住民族 (indigenous) のThomasに出会って結婚し、先住民族と暮らすことになります。彼らはテントで暮らし、冬になると住む場所を移動し、狩り (hunting) をして動物の毛皮などを売って生計を立てています。後半には、先住民が白人化教育を受けるような話も出てきます。



*orphan: 孤児
*even though SV ~: ~にもかかわらず
*Living ~: 分詞構文 = As she lived ~
*find + O + told (C): OをCだと思う

*despite A: Aにもかかわらず = in spite of A
*be impressed by A: Aに感銘を受ける
*face (v): ~に直面する
*overcome (v): ~を乗り越える
