
5/19/24 - My guilty pleasure

I've been watching my diet and trying to avoid consuming sugar and carbs as much as possible, as my blood sugar and HbAc1 levels tend to be high. Therefore, now I rarely eat sweets such as cake, cookies, and chocolates (except for those containing 70% or higher cacao). However, sometimes I have a craving for rice crackers, even though I know I should avoid them because they contain carbs.

Today, I ate a small bag of "kakipi," small bits of rice crackers with peanuts, while watching a video. I feel slightly guilty about it, but I need to enjoy what I want to eat sometimes. Otherwise, my life would be miserable.

P.S. 血糖値とヘモグロビンの値が高くなりがちなので、甘い物や炭水化物の摂取を控えているのですが、ときどきおせんべいが無性に食べたくなります。きょうもビデオを観ながら柿ピーの小袋を1つ食べてしまいました。

*my guilty pleasure: 罪悪感を伴う私の楽しみ、うしろめたさを感じながらも楽しんでしまうもの
What's your guilty pleasure? のように使えます。

*have been watching my diet: 食事にずっと気を付けている
*avoid -ing: ーすることを避ける
*tend to ~: ~する傾向にある
*except for A: Aを除いては
*have a craving for A: Aを食べたくて/飲みたくてたまらない
*feel slightly guilty about A: Aについて少し罪悪感を感じる
*miserable: 悲惨な、非常に哀しい
