
5/25/24 - Chatting with ChatGPT

Today, I belatedly installed the ChatGPT app on my smartphone because I was curious about its verbal capabilities. I asked the AI what I could cook with carrots in Japanese because we have many at home.

A woman's voice suggested a few dishes, such as tempura. So I asked her for something simpler to cook. Then she said, "How about carrot sticks? They are easy to make and healthy. You can eat them with yogurt or honey." 

I found it was a good idea, which I hadn't come up with. Although her Japanese accent sometimes sounded unnatural, it was amazing how quickly she responded. Our conversation also flowed smoothly.

Now I'd like to find an effective way to use this AI for my language learning.

P.S. 遅ればせながら (belatedly)、きょうChatGPTをスマホにインストールしました。(PC版はたまに使っているのですが音声で操作するのは初めてです)。

とりあえず日本語で家にたくさんあるニンジンをどうしたらよいか聞いてみたところキャロットスティックを提案 (suggest) されました。私には思いつかなかった発想です。(←料理が苦手)



*be curious about A: Aに興味を持つ、気になる
*its verbal capabilities: その(AIの)口頭で話す能力、音声能力
*, which I hadn't come up with: そのことを私は思いつかなかった
→ come up with A (Aを思いつく)のAに当たる部分は前の文の内容です。found 「思った」という過去より前のことなので過去完了形です。

*flow smoothly: スムーズに流れる
