
2/12/24 - "The Covenant of Water" by Abraham Verghese

While searching for a new audiobook to listen to, I came across the audiobook titled "The Covenant of Water." The original book was written by Abraham Verghese and published last year. 

Although I knew neither the author nor the book, the book was highly rated. The story about three generations of a family in India seemed quite interesting to me. So I purchased it and also downloaded a sample ebook from Amazon to ensure that I could follow the beginning of the story.

The story was intriguing and the narrator's English, the author of the book, was not so difficult to catch. However, foreign and unfamiliar words, probably Indian words, appeared often in the story. Although the words were written in italic characters and were easy to identify in the book, recognizing them in the audiobook was rather difficult.

Therefore, I finally decided to return the audiobook as I didn't have the confidence to comprehend the story completely. Probably, reading the book version is more beneficial for me. I'd like to read this book someday soon.

P.S. 偶然面白そうなオーディオブックを見つけたので購入しました。(アメリカのオーディブルは「クレジット」というポイントが毎月送られてきてそれで1冊本を「購入」というサブスクの仕組みになっています。)



*come across A: Aを偶然見つける
*neither A nor B: AもBも~でない
*be highly rated: 評価が高い
*ensure that SV ~: 確実に~する
*intriguing: 興味深い、好奇心をそそるような
*identify: 識別する、それとわかる
*beneficial: 有益な、ためになる
