
4/19/24 - Birthday coupon

My birthday is in April, and I received a Birthday Coupon from AEON. Today, I went there to purchase my clothes with the coupon even though I didn't need any particular items

I searched for nice clothes in the women's clothing section for almost one hour. Then, I decided to purchase a pair of wide pants for the summer and tried on several pairs.  

I eventually purchased the pants that fit my figure best and a long-sleeve cotton T-shirt. Although I was happy about what I bought, I got tired from trying those pants. 

P.S. 婦人服売り場 (women's clothing section) をぐるぐる見回った結果、バースデークーポンでワイドパンツを買うことにしました。でも試着する (try on) のに時間がかかり、疲れました…。(でもパンツは履いてみないと体型に合うか分かりませんからね…)

*purchase A: Aを購入する
*even though SV ~: ~だけれども、
*particular items: 特定の品物
*eventually: 結局のところ、最終的には
*the pants that fit my figure best: 私の体型に一番合うパンツ
→fit-fit-fit (~にフィットする、~にぴったりと合う)
*what I bought: 買った物
*get tired from -ing: -して疲れる
