
4/16/24 - Need more physical exercise

The other day, during our annual lunch, one of my former colleagues mentioned that she had joined a gym to get more exercise. While I realize I need to exercise more to reduce my sugar blood levels, I'm always reluctant to join a gym.

I always have excuses/reasons for not joining a gym or exercise classes. First of all, I have asthma, so I tend to have coughs and feel out of breath when I exercise too much. Therefore, I may not attend often, which will be a waste of money.

Some people suggest attending a swimming class, but I'm not good at swimming. Additionally, my skin is sensitive and easily damaged by the chlorine used for water disinfection.

Therefore, I try to walk moderately and do stretch exercises every day. Probably, it's not sufficient, considering that my HbAc1 levels do not decrease. Fortunately, I discovered many light exercise videos for elderly people on YouTube yesterday, so I'm searching for a few videos that I can do at home.

P.S. 先日会った元同僚がジムに入会したとのこと。私も糖尿病予備軍とされてしまったため、運動が必要なのですが、いろいろな理由(言い訳に近いのですが)でジムやクラス(ヨガ、体操、水泳など)を受講するのはためらっています。

食事はかなり気を付けていて体重も減ったのに血糖値 (blood sugar levels) が減らないのは運動不足なのかもしれません。(もともと太っていないので、あまり痩せすぎも困るのです。)幸いYouTubeで高齢者向け (for elderly people) の体操がたくさんあったので、いくつかやりやすそうなものをやってみようかと思っています。(でももっと激しい運動でないと血糖値は下がらないのかもしれません…。でもどちらにしろ筋肉をつけておくことは重要なので頑張ります…。)

*be reluctant to ~: ~するにに気がすすまない
*asthma: 喘息
*feel out of breath: 息切れがする
*chlorine: 塩素
*water disinfection: 水の消毒
*moderately: 適度に、無理しない程度に
*considering that SV ~: ~であることを考慮すると/考えると
