
5/12/24 - Significance of the process

The other day, I realized that one of the episodes of my favorite Chinese drama series and one from my favorite Japanese drama series had a common theme about making efforts.

In both series, a young character made utmost efforts to succeed in their goals. However, they both failed and felt despair. Then, gradually, they began to understand that even if they failed and the results were not what they had expected, the process of making efforts had significant meaning.

I noticed that Chinese and Japanese people shared a common concept regarding making efforts. I think that although making efforts to win is valued in both countries, as we grow older, we come to realize that the process is also important and that making efforts does not always guarantee success.

P.S. 気に入っている中国ドラマと日本のドラマで、同じようなテーマがありました。両方のドラマの若い登場人物が凄く努力をしたにも関わらず失敗して絶望的になります (felt despair)。

でも徐々に (gradually) 、世の中は必ずしも公平でないこと、努力しても成功できないこともあること、努力の過程にも重要な意味 (significant meaning) があることなどを気づくようになります (come to realize)。


*a common theme: 共通のテーマ
*making efforts: 努力すること(動名詞)
*make utmost efforts: 最大の努力をする
*succeed in A: Aで成功する
*feel despair: 絶望を感じる、絶望する
*what they had expected: 彼らが期待していたこと(were より前の時制なので過去完了)
*regarding A: Aに関して
*be valued: 価値があるとされる、評価されている
*come to realize [that SV … and that SV ~] : …であることと、~であること(両方)に気付くようになる
→ うしろの that も realize の中身です。
