
霞 -Ravelryでのパターンリリース前夜-


2月にIROHA COWLの編み込みのデザインを考えていた時、そのあまりの楽しさに時間を忘れるほどだった。
ちょうど、当時よく利用していたネットショップのひとつ・毛糸ぴえろさんで、Polar Nightという淡いラベンダーのような色のマラブリゴレースが発売されたことを知った。

そのことを、現在ではkusumikeというお名前で手染め糸を不定期に販売されているくすみさんと(当時はまだ糸の染めを本格的に始められる前の素敵ニッターさんでした)、あの色、すごく素敵ですよね! とSNSで盛り上がり、そのPolar Nightという色のマラブリゴレースを購入するに至った。

前年にTeru Sweaterを編んだとき、肩の部分の往復編みで行う編み込みが、WS (=Wrong side, 裏側のこと)は裏編みで進めていくこととなり、少し大変だった覚えがあった。
それなら、WSも表編みで進める編み込み模様にして、ガーター編み風にしたら、ちょっと面白い感じになるんじゃないかな? ・・・という発想で、今まであまり見たことのない、表側に裏編みの目が立ってくる編み込み模様を入れることにした。

1-2月にMurano shawlを編んだとき、マラブリゴレースに使う針は、3 mmのものが編み地の手触り的にも、編みやすさ的にもベストマッチと感じていたので、針は3 mmで。
メインは大好きなyo (=yarn over、かけ目のこと)を使ってガーター編みのレース模様にしよう。

そして、最初の10 cmほどを編んだ頃。


March 2017.

In February, when I was thinking about the design of the IROHA COWL braid, I was having so much fun with it that I lost track of time. The season was approaching spring, and I was thinking that I wanted something like a mini stole to wrap around my neck. Just then, I found out that a new color of Malabrigo Lace, a pale lavender color called Polar Night, was on sale at one of the Internet stores I frequented at the time.

I was talking with Kusumi, aka kussy (one of the Japanese dyers who now dyes beautiful yarns, but at that time she was a wonderful knitter before she started dyeing in earnest) about how wonderful that color was!
I bought it after getting excited about it on social networking sites.
I decided to knit an original stole using it as the main color and a salmon pink-like color called "dusty" that I had bought before as a contrasting color.

At that time, I still thought I was not good at the process of increasing and decreasing the number of stitches, so my first thought was to make a mini stole with straight knitting.
I also remembered that the shoulder colorwork part of the Teru Sweater was knitted back and forth, but the WS was knitted on the back side, which was a little difficult for beginners.
When I knit Murano shawl in January-February, I felt that 3 mm needles were the best match for Malabrigo lace, so I used 3 mm needles.
The main part is to make a lace pattern using my favorite yo (=yarn over).
The idea was solidified, and since the cherry blossom season was approaching, the name was decided to be Kasumi, which means in Japanese, a spring haze from the cherry blossoms.

And when I knitted the first 10 cm or so.
I was just exchanging updates with Eri, and I showed her that I was thinking about knitting this as an original.

She pushed me to make it into a pattern and release it on Ravelry.
