
ニットアレンジ事始め-へちま衿のカーデとDrawing Straws-

-姪っ子用にサイズ調整? -








10 cm四方のゲージで計算すると、裏メリヤス編み14目x19段くらいで編んでいます。


その1-2ヶ月前にRavelryでリリースされた、La Maison Rililieさんのカッコよさとかわいさが同居するボーダープル・DrawingStrawsをよく目にしていた。


えりさん本人に、"配色の素敵さに影響を受け、MCは同じところの糸を使って編むので、そのことをプロジェクトページに書いても良いですか?" とメッセージを送って快諾いただき、コントラストカラーは自分の好きな色のひとつである菫色系で編みはじめた。
初めてのドイツ式引き返し編み・German Short Rows、最初はさっぱり何が何やらわからなかったその編み方を何度も動画を見て確認しつつ、理解できた後は夢中で編んで、3週間ほどで完成したのだった。

こちらが完成したDrawingStraws. MC(=メインカラー)は今はもう染色をされていないsofTropeのSportを1本で、CC(=コントラストカラー)はマラブリゴレース(Polar Morn)とPuppy Kid Mohair Fine(19)を引き揃えにして編んでいます。 思えばこれがえりさんとの出会いでもありました。

When I met my niece at my parents' house during the summer vacation at that year, I showed her the swatches and asked her to choose her favorite color to knit a cardigan with a loofah collar by Mariko Mikuni.

My younger sister had told me in advance that she would be grateful if the cardigan could be machine-washed, so I decided on this cardigan, whose specified yarn was a machine-washable yarn.

So I asked my niece's clothing size and she said Size of 150 cm taller.
I had previously knitted a vest and a cardigan from Mikuni's book, and I understood that they were a little small for my 165cm height, and that the standard was about size 9, the Japanese medium size.
I needed to knit that adult size 9 into a child size 150 smaller.
Now what to do?

Since I did not yet have a book related to sizing, I looked up the chest circumference of a child's size 150 and an adult's size 9 on the Internet and compared them.
As a result, I found that 150 is roughly 90% the size of a size 9.

So, I knitted the specified gauge and changed the needle size from the specified JPN 15 (6.6 mm) to a smaller JPN 13 (6.0 mm) needle to make it 9 cm square (= 90% of the size).
The result was just slightly larger than my niece's size at the time, and she wore it well over the next several years.

Around the time I was knitting up my niece's loofah collar cardigan.
A month or two earlier, I had seen La Maison Rililie's DrawingStraws, a striped pullover released on Ravelry that was both cool and lovely at the same time.

I was looking at the project pages of the knitters who had knitted these wonderful pulls, and I was struck by the fluorescent yellow and gray color scheme of the knitter who knitted them, eritml (at that time, before she debuted as a designer, she was a very popular knitter with her Ravelry project).
You could have said that I fell in love with that exquisite color scheme.

I bought a different base yarn for the main color from the same overseas yarn store called SofTrope.
I asked Eri, influenced by the wonderful color scheme, "if I could write about it on my project page, since MC will be knit with yarn from the same place."
She agreed, and I started knitting with my favorite light purple color as the contrast color.
I knitted it like crazy and it took me about three weeks to complete the project.
Thinking back, this was also how I met Eri.

