
夢実現の波に乗る【エイブラハムの知恵】引き寄せのコツ 聞き流し 聞き流し30 ◆小さな神社



I was hearing live music too, we are family, going through my mind in terms of being here now and the conversation you're talking about that all of the people and all of the energies that are focused right here at this moment with me, and wanting to get really clear about leaving behind anything. But the feeling in the moment now that the only thing I have to do is focus, not even focus, but be in the feeling.

That's right. Now we want it we want to take this just a little further. And we'll come back to specific live with what you're asking about. But we don't want to give you the impression that we're trying to get you to get in this feeling place and just stay there forever.

We want the specifics, the joyful specifics to fill in for you. We're just talking about getting off on the right foot, your following. In other words, do the grid work and find the feeling and then let it fill in?

You're following us we're not we're really not wanting you to spend your life in meditation, or contemplation of forwards. We just want you to do it for a little while, so that you can discover the power of the grid work.

And when I do the grid work, the momentum of all that I've placed and what is the momentum in terms of what we've been talking about here today?

The momentum is all that's in the vortex all those dreams, those aspirations

The momentum is the vortex items moving into the grid. That's what momentum is.

Isn't it all starting to fit together a little bit step one contrast causes you to ask and put stuff in there.

Step two source is they're having become the vibrational equivalent of it, holding it in vibrational readiness for your alignment.

Step three is the emotional grid work、 the allowing work that puts you in the vibrational place that allows it to all feel.

And the specifics for me right now are I teach online. So I want to maintain that vibrational feeling tone for all of my students that sees the potential or holds the high watch for their dreams and desires.

And because we don't meet physically, it's that vibrational tone that I think goes through the ethers, certain lands, so their reality.

So you're talking about wanting to do your best work at influencing their well being? Is that what you're talking about?

That's what I'm talking about.
And how much detail are they giving you? Well, because it's a little tricky, if they give you too much detail, then it messes up your grid relative to them. If they don't give you enough detail, then it's not meaty enough to think about、 sort of true of your own life, isn't it?

Because we're feeling this from some of you even in this discussion that we're having today. So the rule of thumb is Be as specific as you can feel while still feeling good.

And in the brief demonstrations that we've experienced here today, you can kind of feel when it gets too specific and starts to feel uncomfortable.

And so I see myself having to be very general, totally general staying general.

Well, it's sort of like a mother soothing a child who's having, or a father, who's having some discord or discomfort in some way.

And what you really want to say is, it's all right, or it's going to be all right. And often, that is the only thing that they want to hear or able to hear.

And if they go on to express the details of what's going, then they argue for their limitations longer, and then they can't feel the vibration of you.

And sometimes they can even dissuade your vibration into something they can actually, because whoever is the most focused is the one who will sort of rule the day.

If a child coming home from school with something that is upsetting, can upset you, you've got nothing.
Yes, you have no way to help because you're out of whack yourself, you see.

So what you want to do is, so what this conversation is about, we would say more than anything is about being a teacher who has established such a stable footing, that no one can throw you off your game.

Your expectation of their understanding is just so in place that nothing can throw you off your game. But it's your game don't get too involved in their game.


●成功するための祈り方【マスターたちの教え】マーフィー 聞き流し

●【エイブラハムの知恵】努力を手放す~疲れた時に聞く瞑想・日本語の朗読~ 聞き流し



