
How often do you have downtime these days?

It depends.   


What movie makes you laugh every single time?

Hmm, maybe a Japanese movie called "Don't stop the camera." I watched this movie twice and I laughed a lot.

What's a film you wish more people would pay attention to?

"Don't stop the camera." Especially in other coutries.

How often do you visit home?

It depends but about once per year.  

What do you miss most about Japan when you're away?


How well do you speak the German language?

Not very well. Just a little bit. 

On average, how many books do you read each week?

I don't want to answer this question. I'm not good at reading. 

On average・・・平均で

What's the first movie that you remember seeing?

I don't remember but maybe Japanese animation movie.

What song makes you cry?


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